31||New Years Eve!🥂

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"Probably!"-Blaise said and ended his drink.

The shots arrived and everyone took 3-4 in-front of them.

"Lets get started!This is a warm up so everyone...if you have lost your Virginity take a shot!"-Pansy said and everyone took a shot.

"I am starting to connect dots with you two!"-Harry said and looked at Ron and Hermione who took a shot earning laughs from all of the others.

"This burns like hell!"-Ginny said and took a sip from a glass of water.

"Okay let's start with individual questions."-Pansy said.


It was time to ask Draco the questions.-"So Draco.."-Pansy started.-"...the most awkward kiss you have ever given and to who."

Draco thought a minute.He didn't wanted to get drunk...he needed to stay sob so he could not ramble his love to Harry.-"Maybe a falling from a ladder...And accidentally falling over Harry..!"-Draco said and the table went 'Owwwwww'.-"Oh shut up i said accidentally and it was indeed really awkward!"

Harry blushed.It was a little awkward but It was still the best he had ever had.

"Okay jumping to next question!"-Pansy said.-"Have you expressed your feelings to your crush yet?"

Draco was about to take a shot but than he thought about it...-"No,not yet!"

The table went 'Owwwww' again but Harry just stood there his heart hurting from the fact he probably had a crush on someone else.

"Okay last question!"-Pansy said.-"Do you love Harry?In a more than a friend way."

Draco was stuck.If he said No Harry would know that he didn't love him .If he drinks that will mean yes.-"Guys...Harry is my friend stop asking this question every-time!"-Draco said and looked over at Harry who took a shot even though it wasn't his turn.Harry didn't even move a eyelash while drinking it.-"Harry are you okay?"-Draco whispered and Harry hummed.

"Oh Harry already drank two!"-Hermione said.

"No problem there are a lot of spare glasses from the one who didn't drink!"-Pansy said.-"Let's go on with the questions.Harry which kiss was the most amazing one you have ever had."

Harry thought of all kisses that he had ever given.The two kisses to Draco where his best...He took a shot.-"Can't decide."-He was angry...he wanted to cry...he wanted Draco to be his...but Draco loved someone else.

"Next question.Who gives you butterflies in your stomach more than everyone else?"-Pansy asked.

Harry took a shot without even thinking twice ...it was Draco but he could say that out loud.-"Can't tell!"

"Okay last question...You have a tattoo with a name,will you tell that boy that you love him..."-Pansy asked.

Draco was waiting with no patience but suddenly glitter basted and New Year came.Draco noticed that Harry took a shot and disappeared into the crowd.-"Harry wait!"-Draco said but he couldn't find him anywhere.

"Where did he go!"-Draco asked but no one at the table answered.

"Maybe he went to take some air!"-Blaise said.

Draco ran to the entrance.Harry was nowhere.Suddenly Draco heard voices.

"Leave me alone!"

"No just a kiss...Come one pretty boy!"

"Leave please!"

Draco knew that voice.He ran to the back of the place and saw that boy from the table behind holding the drunk Harry pinned to the wall...trying to kiss him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"-Draco yelled and punches The guy in the face.-"HE SAID NO THAN LEAVE!!!"-He hold him on the ground punching him none stop!

"Draco stop."-Harry said trying to sapurate them.But Draco didn't stop.-"Draco PLEASE!"-Harry said again.

Draco hold his punch in mid-air and looked at Harry.He had been crying...Draco wondered if he was crying since before the attack from this pervert.

He released the guy after giving him a last warning on the ear.Than Draco took Harry from his arm.He walked to the car and released him.-"Get in the car!"

"No!What about the others."-Harry said.

"Harry...GET...IN...THE...DAMN...CAR...NOW!!!"-Draco yelled.And Harry got inside still crying.

"Why!"-Harry asked when he got in the car.

"What!"-Draco asked still angry driving carefully.

"Why did you save me?"-Harry asked again.

"He was attacking you.What did you expect me to do?Stay there and watch?"-Draco said eyes on the road.

Harry turned to the window.He was quite drunk and really needed some fresh air.He noticed Draco was taking another road.-"Draco we passed the road."

"I know!"-Draco said eyes glued to the road.

"Where are you taking me?"-Harry asked.

"A special place!"-Draco said.-"You need fresh air!"

Harry stood there silent.Tears running down his face.He was burning from love inside his heart.And fresh air would never cool it down.

And where is Draco taking Harry?Yeep we don't know.
The Story is coming to an end not soon but later than soon.

Enjoy 😉

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