23||Gifts and Memories!🗝

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Draco's eyes went wide when he saw the room. It was WAY bigger than his vault.

"You never told me you where fucking rich!"-He said and looked at Harry who now was searching his bag for something.

"Come one Draco these aren't mine.I just inherited them...The pile over there is mine. It grows every month from my magazine actions. Thats all I care about. The other parts are just in case of any emergency ."-Harry said still searching in his bag.

"No no Harry...I remember my father telling me about this vault. He told me all it's inheritance heiress had died and It had remained locked for years. He said there was the most biggest and richest vault. He said it even has suppurate rooms inside it!"-Draco said and looked at the walls.

"Yea rooms...I wonder were I left the key !"-Harry said ignoring the other parts.-"Hah found' ja'..."

Harry took a silver little key and pushed it through the wall. A door opened and Draco was curious to see more.

"Come in Draco.This is the biggest part of my richness."-Harry said and Draco walked in.He was amazed by what Harry called his biggest richness.

It was a room full of little memory-bottles. And in a corner there was a Pensive. In the other side of the room there where shelves with 7 materials.

A locker, a diary, a ring with a black gem, a tiara, a golden cup, a broken wand, and another wand but with sprinkles.

"What are these?"-Draco said looking at the materials.

"Voldemort's dead Horcruxes ...And there are two deathly hollows ,three counting the invisibility cloak. Plus a wand I used while the war! And now I am going to add another one! It will be way safer to let it inside here!"-Harry said and pulled out a 10 inch wand from his bag. It was Malfoy's wand.

"My ex-wand? Why would you leave it here?And WHAT are these!"-He said still looking at the materials.

"Oh Draco please! The Elder wand...I broke it. The Reseviction stone. And the Invisibility cloak. Never heard of the the Deathly Hallows?"

"I didn't knew it was a real story! How do you have them?"-Draco asked as Harry was placing the wand in it's stander.

"I earned them. And the cloak was my father's. I inherited it just like my father did before me...."-Harry said and pulled out a golden snitch from his bag.

"What does it say!"-Draco said looking at the snitch.

"I open at the close!"-Harry said and putted it on it's shelf.

"These are better than money."

"No these are better than money!"-Harry said and walked close to the memory-pensive . He took four empty bottles and started to put memory's inside them. Silver strings got out of Harry's head and ended inside the bottles.-"Only the best memories!"

"The best memories? So if you have sex with someone you just save the whole think inside here?"-Draco said with  a devilish smirk.

"I said important...Not worthless memories!Plus i don't think the girls i slept with would like the idea of the whole think being saved!"-Harry said with a chuckle.

"The girls...in Plural?"-Draco said full of jealousy.

"Well being The Chosen One gives you a privilege with girls!"-He said and winked at Draco.

"Using your title for nasty thinks Potter?"-Draco said and watched him as he poured the memories.-"What memories are you pouring there?"

"I had some good memories so I had to save them. A handshake, a kiss and  many things that happened these last months."-Harry said and Draco went silent. He knew it was the memory of that BOY he had kissed!!

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