"I missed you too, kid." He says. "Ready to go?"

"Let me get the boys and say goodbye." She says. Jared nods and follows the teen inside. "Is Dad freaking out?"

"He's not freaking out, Sloan." Jared tells her. "He's just worried."

"And aggravated that I won't go home?" She guesses, getting a nod in response. "Yeah, I figured he would be."

"Jared!" Chris says as he walks up, the men giving each other a short hug. "Thanks for coming. You're finally ridding me of this pest."

"I am a joy to be around." Sloan argues, pretending to be offended.

"Yeah, well, now I'm stuck with her." Jared says. Sloan rolls her eyes.

"And I call you people my friends." She says, shaking her head. "Where's dumb and dumber?"

"Over there." Chris says, pointing to the two sitting in their chairs by the camera. Sloan walks over to the two.

"Jared's here." She says, making them hop out of their chairs.

After saying goodbye to everyone, the four get in the taxi. Two hours later, they're on the plane taking off. Sloan looks out her window and watches as the airport speeds by before the ground seems to fall away beneath them.

"Here's the script for tomorrow." Jared says, handing her the pages. "We figured you'd be bored if you didn't have any scenes so I brought the script for you to look over on the way there."

"Thanks, Jar." She says with a smile, raising a brow when she reads the summary for the episode. "There's a demon after Justice?" She asks, looking at Jared, getting a nod in response. "What, are the writers prophets now or something?" Jared chuckles and Sloan goes back to reading the script, sighing when she read the lines for a scene between Dean and Justice.

"This is gonna be a tough one." She says, looking up at Jared and pointing at the script. He nods.

"You'll be fine." He says.

"It's not me I'm worried about." Sloan tells him. "Dad's too worried about this situation and this is probably the worst possible episode to do right now. He's gonna get too into it again."

"He'll be fine. I'll make sure he doesn't go too deep." Sloan sight but nods. "You just worry about you, let me worry about him." Sloan nods agains and looks back at the script.

"What does he mean 'go too deep'?" Anthony asks her quietly.

"When my dad has a tough scene like tomorrow's, he sometimes gets a little too into it and goes too deep into Dean mode and gets depressed for the rest of the day." She explains. "Or, when it's a scene where something happens to my character Justice, like one we had to do a few months ago where she almost died, he can't seem to remember that it's not actually me. Pretty much the same thing that I do sometimes." The two actors nod and the group goes back to each doing their own thing. By the time the plane lands that night, Sloan already had the script memorized and had enlisted the men into running through the lines with her.

The group goes to baggage claim so the three Marvel actors can get their bags. Sloan grabs her book bag after handing Bandit's leash to Jared and scans the crowd for Cliff. She sees the bodyguard after a few minutes and points him out to Jared, the four walking to the man.

"Hey, Sloan." He greets, giving her a quick side hug.

"Hi, Cliff." She replies. "Where's Dad and Grayson?"

"Still at the set." He answers. "Your dad has a few scenes to finish and Grayson was working on something when I left." Sloan nods and the group piles into the black SUV, driving to the set.

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