🧸🌧can we talk? kenma x sad/stressed! reader🌧🧸

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intentional lowercase :)

sad / stressed gender neutral reader, we all deserve love<3

TW: consist of emotional distress, signs of depressions, and hints to suicide. the following content may not be suitable for some audiences, reader discretion is advised!


walking down  the frost covered side walk, i catch myself from falling for the eight time.
after being practically disowned by my family,
i sought out to find a place to stay.
it was early winter, christmas was about a week
i look longingly into the warm colored windows of the joyful houses i passed, each home seeming happier than the last.

my parents had different ideals than me, and different morals.
they believe i should be this or that, to help them when they get old.
everyday grew more and more tiresome as i fought the urge to strike a match and set that dump aflame.
"why can't you be more like your brother?"
"i was never like this"
"don't talk back to me"
"don't give me attitude"
"i am the parent not you"
"where did i go wrong with you"
"big disconnect with you"
"are you retarted?"
"no you're not, it's just a phase"
"such a disappointment"
"give up"
"be yourself"
"not like that"

their words grew more hurtful each day, we drifted like a lost boat in the ocean.

my grandpa always told me, "the tongue is mightier than a sword,"

my grandma always told me, "a hit or slap soon goes  away but words are long remembered"

and only now do i realize how much they were right. the words my family spoke dug a hole deep inside my heart, a pain that i'm not sure can be helped. i don't know how much farther i can go,

the lingering words float in my head and sink to my heart, and- oh. kenna's house.

it was a small brick house with a spruce deck, the patio furniture must be stored away into a shed. hiding away from the frost bit air, was a cozy living room shielded by a window covered in crhistmas lights.
a christmas tree could be seen from here, decorated in colorful lights, ornaments, and strings of popcorn.
though on top the tree, the main attraction was missing.
where's the star?

"y/n?" a quiet voice arose from behind me, startling me.
"oh, hello kenma.." i shyly turn around to meet his eyes. "what are you doing here?"
well funny story actually..

(3rd person POV)

y/n stood idly, a bit nervous and scared.
kenma on the other hand had an underlying panic.

"what was wrong?"
"are they ok?"

he was worried something had happened, and he hoped he was wrong.

"did something happen at home again..?" he quietly poked, he understood that was a sore subject.

"i guess you could say that.." y/n tucked their hands behind their back, resting underneath the light weight back back hanging from their shoulders.

the growing lump in y/n's throat seemed to have spread to kenna's, his suspicion growing.

"t-th-they dont.." y/n started, the evident crack in their voices brought tears to the brim of kenna's eyes.

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