🧸tired (tsukishima)🧸

745 15 3

(picture is not mine :))

     Another long day of school has drained every ounce of energy out of you, you toss your bag next to your bed and loosen the school tie that every student was required to wear. Slowly arising from the bed you look around your room making sure everything is some what tidy for Tuskishima whos coming over. Cutting it close on getting into class 1-4, your grades were not the most stable. You have been pushing yourself by studying as much as possible, on the train, during meals, basically all your free time is spent studying. During class the teacher had put together a 'Study Group Project' in which student would group together in pairs and review over a study guide for the upcoming exams. The exam is an open note test, but the only catch is, you can only use the notes from the study guide you and your partner have worked on. Pushing aside a dirty laundry basket and some loose papers the room was pretty much set. The little dinosaur table had matching cushions to sit on- the purpose for little kids.

Y/n POV-

          I wobble down stairs, hugging the wall sluggishly on my way to the kitchen. Tsukishima said he would stop by his house after volleyball practice before he came over, probably to take a shower. I make little strawberry shortcake sandwiches and grab two strawberry milk cartons from the fridge. Balancing everything in my arms, my aunt bursts through the guest room presumably in a hurry, her disheveled appearance becoming more tattered with strands of hair falling out of her bun, dress shirt wrinkled and un-tucked, and the fact she was only wearing one heel while the other was gripped in her hand.

"Oh hello Y/n! I got called back to the office again, you can order take out if you want.." Her words slowly faded away as she glanced at the serving of food meant for two people in my arms. "Actually my friends is coming over to study today.." I smile to her. "Oh good good, have fun then Ill be off!" She quickly kissed my forehead and ran downstairs. Making it to my room with minimal struggle, I hear my aunties car leave the garage. I get changed into black shorts and a black hoodie that had a dinosaur in the corner.

*Ding DOng~*

          "Coming!" I yell before jogging to the front door. I open the door that my aunt left unlocked to see Tsukishima standing there  like a lamppost in black sweats and a grey long sleeve shirt. "Uh, come in I guess.." I step to the side leaving the door wide enough for him to get in. "Just take off your shoe here.." He obliges and slides his shoes off with ease. *CoUgH* "Alright.. Follow me.." I awkwardly say shuffling to my bedroom.

Opening my bedroom door, I just begin to realize how immature my room looks. Dinosaur everything, toys, bed sheets, you name it. Flustered I turn to him, "Uuh, these were g-gifts uh I uh yeah..." I rub the back of my neck and look everywhere but his eyes. "Haha, sure." He walked to the little dino table and sat down on one of the cushions. He pulled the study guide out of his bag and looked up at me, "Come on I dont have all day."

"Tsk" I rolled my eyes and sat down across from him. "I made snacks but if you dont like them you dont have to eat them I guess.." I gestured to the plate and milk cartons while standing on my knees to grab a pencil. Finding a sharp pencil, I turn back to see him enjoying the strawberry sandwich. "heh glad you like it..." I get situated and pull the packet towards me. "Yeah no."

  Tsukishima pulled the packet out of my hands and snickered. "With your grades I dont trust you with this." He placed down his sandwich as I pouted. "Ok you work on section B, C, and D, they are easier. I'll do A since its the longest and we can work on E together," He ripped out the staple holding the papers together and handed me two sheets. B and C shared a page. "How am I supposed to learn if I dont do the tricky stuff?" I look at him a little upset. "If you really want, we can just do it all together since we will be sharing the guide during the test."

"Umph. Finee." I whine and scoot over to him drinking my milk. "You're like a toddler." He snorted at me.

"You salty bean pole!" I glare at him. "Whatever."


"What was that?"


And thus we began to work on section A, then B, and so forth. "Ok for section E there are two parts, part one is collecting data from the chart and information, and part two is creating a problem similar to part one." I place down part one in front of Tsuki, since creating these types of problems was my strong suit.

While Tsuki worked peacefully on part one in his spot I migrated around the room about 8 different times. "Cant you keep still?" He grumbled looking at me. I went behind him and leaned my back against his "Quiet! I lost my train of thought..." I wiggled against him which made him more irritated. "Thats it." he stood up quickly so my head fell onto the cushion he was sitting on. "I must admit this is not a flattering angle." I giggled to which he responded with a "shut up" and red cheeks. He picked my up by the armpits and  sat me down on my original seat before sitting down on his. "Now work.." He leaned his head on his left hand while writing with his right.



"Yeah.." I sat in a 'w' position with my legs and cuddled a nearby stuffed dino, pushing the study guide to make room for me to lean on the table.

"We can finish tomorrow morning if you want to sleep." Tsuki began to get up. "Nooo~ sleepover!" I quietly shouted. He didn't seem to fond of the idea. "Where would I sleep?" He began. "I dont know... We could share the bed I guess."

"Ok and assuming Im ok with that idea, what would I wear?"

"Just wear what you're wearing."

"Tsk, Im only doing this so I dont have to wake up earlier than what I already do."

"Sure." I stood up and slid the completed part two of the study guide and fumbled to the bed I jump under the covers as Tsuki stapled the papers together. I open my eyes as my head snaps backwards as the pillow from underneath me was snatched. I grumpily look at Tsuki who also took the blanket on top of me. I stood up and pulled the table out of the way, making room for me to bring in more blankets. I come in with bulky blankets and pillows I couldn't see in front of me. Until.


"Omg what did I step on!?" I drop everything onto the bed I was next to. I look down and see Tsuki holding onto his stomach. "Oh just you never mind."

"What? Who else would it be you dunce?" He groaned. I just stuck my tongue out and got into bed. I got under the covers and stared at the ceiling for about 5 minutes before all signs of tiredness left my body.

I peak over the edge of the bed to see Tsuki with his eyes closed. I strain my eyes a but more to see that he is about to fall asleep, so he is still awake. "Hey Tsuki." His eyes slowly opened to me with an annoyed expression. "I can't sleep." ... "I dont care." I pull the blankets off of me and prepare to do something possibly dangerous. I jump on top of him, my legs straddling his chest with my hands gripping his shoulders. He looks like a just saw a naked ghost. I get up a bit so I can grab the blankets under my butt. I lay my head on his chest and pull the blankets over my head so I am completely covered. Tsuki had the most mortified expression, to shocked for words. I poke out of the covers to see him looking at me with red cheeks and raised eyebrows.

"Goodnight Tsuki."




Soooooo Uh this is honestly really ooc (Out of character) and most of my one shots most likely will be ooc.. It really can't be helped for most of my story lines so I apologize for that. Uh hope you enjoy ig i mean only 8 people have read the first chapter so uh thanks ig? lmao byeee

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