🌹🧸big spoon (akaashi)🧸🌹

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intentional lowercase :)


cuddling was great.
with such a drastic size difference, keji and y/n for together, like a glove. most nights, well every night, keji was the big spoon, and y/n was the little spoon.
longs days of work resulted in keji
just collapsing on top of y/n when he gets home
and smothering them till they fall asleep.

they liked it. being able to hold
each other silently, listening to the steady breathing that echoed along the thick walls.

y/n's pov:

"hey keji! i made dinner if you would like some.."
instead of greeting him in the bedroom, i decided to be a little more caring today. he looks like
he had a rough day, and considering he didn't sleep well last night means he won't be in the cheeriest mood.

"thank you.." he grumbled, sliding off his work shoes. "if you want, you can tale a shower while i warm up your food?" i quiet my tone, not to come off as an obnoxious donkey.

"alright thank you blossom.."
(just got done listening to yagami yato👁👅👁)

he trodded off to the bathroom sluggishly, leaning to a near by wall for support.
i head to the kitchen and plate him his food, just a little bit more than his usual amount.
maybe if he eats a bit more, he will sleep easier.

keji plopped down onto the kitchen stool in front of his food, barely even holding his chopsticks right.
i picked the chopsticks from his hands
and picked some rice and veggies for him.
as tired as he was, he didn't even question being fed
like a baby. tonight was his night.
after finishing his entire dinner, we walked to the bedroom which was ready with a new bed set and essential oils. "is there something special i forgot about..?" keji yawned his sentence while looking around the candle lit room.

"no, it's just i think you really deserve some relaxation." i guided him to the bed, and rubbed his shoulders as he lauded down.
as tempting as it was it jump into his arms, i got behind him.

"you can be little spoon." i whispered.
his tense body slowly eased up at the slight rubbing of my hands.
"wanna talk about something that you want to get off your chest?" i tried not to pester him, yet o want him to open up.

"work. work is so stressful.." he groaned, his heart rate was anything but peaceful and calm.
i rubbed my nose in circles on his back, humming a little lullaby.
"shhh, it's ok, just relax.."

3rd person pov:

this went on for at least an hour or so, just keji being a big baby. y/n coddled, listened, comforted, and hushed him to sleep, reassuring him everything will be alright.

before keji could fall asleep, y/n suggested that he takes a break and they get a job. as much as he wanted to do all of the working, he needed a
serious break.

"i can finish my internship at the hospital, and start working full time. that will give us enough money for bills and food, and plenty for you to treat yourself.."

y/n mothered their boyfriend, making sure he got what he needed and deserved.

working to support two people wasn't easy, and if they wanted to grow their family,
they would need money.
"y/n, you're the best, i love you so so much, what would i do without you..?" keji mumbled out.

"i love you too, keji.."


yeah this ones short and just fluff lmao

i was thinking of writing a lemon but i'm not sure since i've never wrote anything like that before soo it might suck

and i don't know who it would be, maybe oikawa or kuroo lmao.

and i would probably do two separate ones for male and female cuz i don't know how to write gender fluid sex lol

so yeah idk comment who you want a lemon of or if you don't want a lemon idkkk lol

i'm tired i just drove from wisconsin to colorado and just got back so i'm BEAT lmao

goodnight loves😛🙆‍♀️

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