🌹pauciloquent pt.1 (sakusa)🌹

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She/her reader.

Pauciloquent; one of few words.

     Sakusa was given the title "Golden Child" early on in his childhood, and those who eluded to his title wouldn't be wrong. He had the looks and style that could put him on the front of magazines, but instead, his skill in volleyball made him a teen idol among high school athletes- and landed him on many front pages. His brains were also unmatched by most, adding to his alluring charm. But the thing that attracted the masses was his mysterious aura. A quiet, brooding type is popular among the ladies, though most (jealous) boys blamed twilight for this.


     "And that is why mental health care should be available to everyone, especially students- to prevent undiagnosed disabilities from snowballing into something bigger into their adulthood." The feminine voice spoke loud and clear over the class- who listened intently- unexpectedly.

     "Thank you, Y/n, for volunteering to present! Class, I hope you learned a thing or two from Y/n. Now would anyone else like to present?"  A string of groans followed, and suddenly, the psychology class was boring again.

     Y/n returned to her seat in the middle of the class; her eyes scanned over her classmates once before she sat. For an aspiring phycologist, it was a pretty ambitious career path, not to mention an undermined one. However, Y/n was passionate- about breaking the stigma around mental health awareness.

     "Jeez, Y/n, for someone who complains about the unhealthy habits of the school system- you sure play right into their hands." a voice rose from her right, seeing as how the rest of the class had also broken into a hysterical group chat. "I am well aware of that, but I need to play their game if I want to have an impact on the world."

     "Well, for what it's worth- I am proud of you, Y/n! It's a lot to chase a major like phycology."  Taro, a quiet boy, piped up to the conversation, as did a few others. Y/n nodded to her supporting peers, thankful.

     "Alright, settle down. This class gets way too rowdy!" The teacher rang a desk bell a few times, and the class's chatter died down. "Since you are so hesitant to do independent work, I am assigning you a partner assignment. I will allow you to choose your partner- so long as you focus and don't mess around."

      The class volume exceeded normal immediately after the teacher was done speaking, to which he sweat dropped. "The assignment is up here on the table when you're ready!" He managed to yell over everyone.  He sat at his desk for the rest of the class.

     Many students had already partnered up with their friends, except for a few stragglers- all of which seemed keen on Y/n as their partner.

     "Y/n! Work with me!" a cacophony of incoherent shouts invaded Y/n's personal bubble. Overwhelmed, Y/n searched the room for any sense of relief, but alas, she had no friends in this class. When she was sure she was going to implode from anxiety, she caught sight of a boy, alone in the back.

     "Sorry, everyone, I already have a partner." She bowed politely and stood to walk towards the lonely guy. However, when she got a good look at him, she almost threw up in her mouth- how could she be so blind? Sakusa was the boy. He typically worked alone regardless of the assignment type, flat-out refusing to work with anyone who wasn't his cousin- who wasn't here right now.

     'I should just turn around and pick a random from the crowd to work with.'

     She was three desks from the boy when she began to turn on her heel. 'Abort mission, abort-'

     "Where are you going?" A deep silky voice spoke- Y/n damn near folded at the knees at the sound of such a velvety voice. It felt like his words shook the ground, giving her no choice but to look back- to confirm it was Sakusa speaking to her. And low and behold, there he was, an empty chair already faced towards his desk.

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