ℕ𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙

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Upon entering the warehouse, I find myself intruding a stare-off between The Boyz and Bangtan. "Fuck" I mumbled to myself. "How nice of you to join us, my dearest daughter!" A loud voice boomed through the warehouse before I spotted my father's silhouette appearing through the darkness. He walked over, standing in the middle of the room. Sporting a victorious smirk, he began talking "You know it's a shame, really. You wouldn't have gotten involved in all this shit if you accepted the proposal. Even Jungkook here, would be better for you than any one of those twelve boyfriends of yours. And Alex, where do I begin? First off, thank you for taking good care of my daughter. And thank you for dating Hae. Without her -rest her soul- we wouldn't have been able to keep tabs on Akira. To all the rest of you, I'd say just give up already. No matter how much you try, you're not getting the USB. And I'm telling you. I will, and by that I mean I will finish you all."

My father spoke slowly, turning and facing whoever he was addressing. His eyes finally landed on me, and I glared as hard as I could. "What do you want from them, father?" I emphasized on "father", mustering up as much spite as possible. "It's simple, my dear. Hand over all of the power, money, reputation. In exchange for that, I will personally ensure the destruction of the USB, and I will leave you lot alone forever. Not to fret though, If you refuse.." He smiled. What is he on about? I felt strong hands firmly grabbing me. This person's arm firmly went around my body, holding me hostage with a knife to my throat. I looked to my side, to be met with the owner of the arms "Nice to see you again, miss.." Kim Seokjin. I glared at him, trying my best to escape his hold, but to no avail. Father continued "If you refuse, I'm gonna kill your beloved Marionettes." I gasped. My eyes frantically searching for Alex, who was also held captive like myself.

"Threatening to kill your own daughter? Even for a criminal, that's a bit too low tuts!" Hyunjoon smirked. The next thing I knew, The Boyz had begun attacking the members of Bangtan. Since when was this a part of the plan? After escaping Seokjin's hold with the help of Changmin, I scurried to assist Alex who was struggling in Namjoon's hold. Approaching Namjoon from behind him, I made a point to kick his head. He almost literally flew and landed on the floor with a thud. Thanks to Hak for teaching me the cool trick. I smirked, until I heard gunshots. "Wait what?" Alex looked at me in worry, before pulling me along with her to hide. Soon enough, one by one, all of the boyz joined us. "Guys. What now?" Kevin asked. "No idea." I shrugged in defeat. "One or two of us need to sneak into the safe!" Eric exclaimed.

"Come out, wherever you are! Face me like grown men! Or I won't hesitate to go bat shit crazy and shoot all of you." My father's voice was heard, and before I could tell the guys that the safe had a fake USB which I already took, everyone ran off. Great. Rushing to catch up behind them, I dodged multiple attacks by the members of Bangtan. I reached the centre of the room, where I stood in shock. Watching all of the chaos take place, without having the faintest idea of what I was supposed to be doing. I glanced over to my right, where I saw Chanhee trying to crawl in through the window I had used in the safe. Unable to control myself, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Making the entire room go silent after a few minutes. "Chanhee stop! Don't go in there! There was a fake-" "Annoying brat." I heard my father mumbled from behind me. Before I could finish my sentence and turn around to meet him, I heard two gunshots. 

The next thing I knew, I felt my knees go weak as I began choking up blood. Looking down at my body, I figured that I had been shot twice. "Good luck guys." I mumbled, before my knees gave out and I collapsed on the floor. "You know, I wish I really didn't have to do that. But you gave me no choice." My father spoke solemnly, leaning down next to me. I heard multiple screams before everything went black for the second time tonight.


"Akira..? Are you awake?"

I opened my eyes upon hearing Alex's concerned voice. "Alex..?" I called out, my throat completely dry and my voice raspy. Gasping, she took a glass of water from my bedside table, handing it to me. "Drink up. You've been asleep for three days." She spoke ever so gently. I cautiously sat up, feeling a stinging pain in my body, and finding it hard to breathe. I looked around and spotted that we were back in my room at the mansion. "What happened?" I pondered, unable to recall the events of three days ago. "You were shot. One of the bullets went through your ribcage. The other, just above your stomach. Jacob said it was a miracle that you survived." Alex pointed at my torso, which had bundles of bandages wrapped around it. 

"Where's everyone else?"

"They're fine. Thankfully. Everyone's resting right now. Sunwoo hadn't left your side at all these past few days. It took a lot of convincing to get him to bed just now." Alex gave me a sad smile.

"How did the rest of the mission go?"

"The safe was empty. Turns out the actual USB was with Namjoon. I managed to get it from him, and I destroyed it before he could run away with it. Then, we just got you, and escaped the scene before your dad could do anything."


"What do you mean 'Wow'? That was fucking terrifying. We're not meant to be doing this gang shit! We're fucking con-artists, for the love of god. You almost got killed! Do you know how worried I was? We really can't work with The Boyz. You've almost died twice, in both of our missions. I lost Hae, and I am not ready to lose you too. You're the only family I have left in this world. I told you, we can't keep doing this, Akira. We need to stop this." 

"You're right.. I guess this was the last straw, huh?"

My heart ached, as I spoke those words to my best friend and sister-figure. She nodded depressingly. 

"I'm sorry Akira, but this is it. We're done."


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