Blueberry:Not well...He's limping and can barely stand up without any help.
Dusty:I'm sure he'll be fine,Blue.
Blueberry:thanks. Did you say Nootmare was gonna help?
Dusty: heh...yeah. Error barged in today talking 'bout how the multiverse was collapsing. He even tricked Nooty into helping out. We're supposed to meet you guys tomorrow, in some Au.
Blueberry:you know which one?
Dusty:Nope, they're arguing about it now.
Dusty:Holy cow, Cross just yeeted Horror put the window.
Blueberry:why? Is he okay!
Dusty:yeah. Horror just stole his chocolate. It's actually the second time this has happened today.
Blueberry:okay. Shouldn't you be talking with them.
Dusty: nah...I've had enough arguing for today.
Me and Dust talked for a while before he had to go. I laid on my bed for a while, before slowly drifting of into sleep.

Ink's POV

I couldn't sleep. My whole body started aching again, so much I couldn't get comfortable. My head started hurting, I placed my hands on my skull. I gave up after a while, and got up. I was dizzy at first, but grabbed Broomie to stable myself. I threw some ink on the floor and walked through. I would've gone to Outertale but it was gone. Great, where am I gonna go now. I choose to go to Startale, it was like Outertale but each monster had the name of a Star or constellation. Even the skelebros here were called the Dipper brothers. I walked into Startale and sat on a passing satellite. How was I breathing I don't know. I mean I'm a skeleton, I don't even have lungs. I sat and stared up at the world above. I hope those Code-glitches don't take down any more Au's. I sighed, as a glitchy portal opened behind me.

"WeLl, iF It isN't yOu squiD." I knew who it was by the voice.
"Hey Error." I say. If was feeling better I would have hugged him, he walked up to me and stood there staring at me.
"You gonna keep staring at me or..." I say.
"JuSt wonDerIng wHat HaPpenEd to yOu." Error said, sitting down next to me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"fOr sTaRteRs yOu dIdn'T tRy aNd hUg mE. SecOnd, tOns oF UnIveRseS haVe goNe dOwn, aNd I HavEn't sEen yOu aT aLl. ThiRdlY, DrEam tAlks aLoT." He says, staring up at the sky. After the Truce it become a daily routine to meet in Outertale together, just to hang out. I sighed, "I'm not surprised he told you, he and Blue keep acting like I'm dying."

"AreN't yoU?" He asked a little confused, I paused thinking about everything that was happening. It was true if to many universes went down yeah it could lead up to something like that, but in that situation tons of others would die to, why would they care about me going.

"Not the point." I say trying to cause attention away from the topic, but Error brought it straight back.

"So hOw BaD iS it?" He asked looking me up and down. I glared at him, I had come out here to get away from my problems not be reminded of them.

"I'm fine." I said, Error looked at me skeptically.

"ReAl gOod lie InK." He said, sarcastically. He looked me over once more. "YoU sHould ProBablY go sLeEp." He must have noticed how tired I looked.

"I can't sleep." I said plainly, even if I was exhausted, sleeping didn't feel like an option. If another Au went down, I needed to be there to help. Even if I felt like I could I couldn't my body ached to much. We sat in silence for a while before I let out a yawn.

"YoU sUr3 yOu don'T wAnna head BacK? yA loOk aWful." Error said.

"Thanks for the compliment, but no. I told you I can't go to sleep. If an Au goes-" I said but Error cut me off.

"I'Ll deAl wiTh iT." He said, it surprised me. Why did Error wanna help? "YOu nEed tO slEep aNd nOt pAss ouT fRom eXhaustiOn slEep, reAl slEep." He said more sternly. I yawned again, I wanted to hold in the yawns but I was to tired.

"Okay." I say, quietly. I was to tired to argue with him, plus I knew he was right. If you really was going to watch the Au's maybe I could sleep a little. I leaned over resting my head on his should, I felt him jump and the sudden contact. He calmed down after a while and I drifted of to sleep.

Error's POV

Ink was asleep on my shoulder. As soon as he had touched me I felt my haphephobia kick in, and I jumped. I tried to calm myself, hoping I wasn't going to crash. I had finally gotten Ink to sleep, I couldn't crash. And I didn't. I didn't crash, I was ok? I relaxed a little more and realized I didn't actually mind it. I was ok with it? I mean Ink had be working on my phobia with me but we hadn't made any progress with it. Huh? I closed my eyes breathing in and out. Ink had already fallen asleep, I wasn't surprised he looked terrible. He looked exhausted and in pain, but still had the regular smile on his face. Heh, "cute." What did I just say cute! I felt myself blush hard, as glitches started to fog my vision. Did he hear me? Did someone else hear me? I calmed myself down I little while later, realizing me and Ink were the only one up right now and Ink was fast asleep. I sighed a sigh of relief, and started to knit a puppet. I didn't know who it was gonna be of, right now it was just a normal sans.

A few hours passed Ink was still asleep, and I realized who I was knitting it was Ink. The puppet version of him had a his regular clothes but had a sad smile, and looked as if he was on the verge of tears. And there was actually more ink on him then usual like he had just thrown up ink. He does that a lot though. I sighed, letting my strings take the puppet through a portal to the Anti-void. It was about five o'clock, no doubt the bad guys are still arguing on how to call the Star sanses over to talk about a truce. I would've just told Ink right now, but giving Nighty something like this made it easier for them to agree to a truce. I look over at Ink, he was holding his stomach and shacking a little. I wonder why? I check the Au's like I said I would, same as usual well except for the few that were already gone. I stared up at the sky looking at the stars, they weren't as nice as Outertale but it was something. After a few minutes I realized I needed to wake Ink up. Blue gets up rather early and if Ink isn't there no doubt they'll be even more worried. I didn't want to of course he looked like hadn't slept in days.

"HeY, iNky. WakE up." I said, after a small shake with my strings he woke up.

"Yeah..." his voice was smaller than before, quieter.
"If yA dOn't gEt baCk to DrEam and BluE. ThEy're gOnNa Be lOokiNg fOr yA." I said.
"Oh, right heh...what time is it?" He asked.
"EhHhh....aBout fIve thIrTy." I said, he nodded throwing some ink on the ground.
"Thanks Error." He said jumping through, the portal leaving me alone.
I waited a few moments before opening my own portal to the Anti-void. I used my strings to lift me up into the air making myself a small hammock to lay on. I looked at the puppets spotting the one I had made of Ink. I pulled it down looking closer at it. The puppet still seemed sad and in pain. Why did I make him look so sad?

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