Chapter 5

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I look up into the blue sky as the sun is high over Wilburys, a bright and a warm sunny day, wearing my yellow dress matching the sun rays, I stand in the middle of my mother's garden.

The view looks amazing and I can look at this view a thousand times and never get bored. It never fails to surprise me and make me smile.

A warm, gentle breeze kisses my cheeks as I stare out across the garden.

Today is 4th of July.

I am back to my hometown. It is a very small town, so small that everyone knows everyone and everyone's secret is out in the open and there is no room for privacy - no matter how hard you try.

The cottages here are embellished in every colour of the rainbow. There are some old houses, and have been here for 100 years or more. They have lumps and uneven roofs, very large windows and cobbled paths, but all of them are endearing.

It is also famous for its history and nature's beauty. It is a nice place to spend your vacation with your near and dear ones.

I stop to smell the flowers from my mother's garden, a lush garden adorned with all manner of roses and tulips. It reminds me of the old times when me and my sister used to play hide-and-seek here in this garden.

It has been four weeks after my encounter with David.

In seven years, mylife changed totally. Seven years back, I thought I will get married and havekids and raise them in a place like this. But you know, life, it is anunstoppable train full of twists and turns, but one thing I can say for sure, where I am now, I am happy. Albeit, there are moments in life where I think I should be able to have a time machine to go back in the past and do things differently or make things better.

But in reality, there is no such thing called time machine, so yes, it's not possible. Also, I've realized there are some things in life where nothing can be done to make things better or different.

After David left me I learned the bitter truth about life. It has made me realize that I can't expect to be the first choice of somebody as people are quite open towards other alternatives. And, there will always be a "somebody" who will eventually try and steal the place that I tried to make in a certain somebody's life. Everything is replaceable in this sour, cruel world. So the best thing to do is always to choose myself over others by not expecting anything from anyone. I am not going to give anyone the upper hand to make me feel validated, as I am capable of being content with myself because all my life I've spent so much time trying to be what others wanted me to be that I never stopped once to think what I want and who I had been all along. But now everything is clear to me.

I see my dad working in the garage, he waves at me, and I smile back with a kind wave of my own. Just then mom comes out of the house wearing her cute baby pink apron and call us inside to have breakfast.

P.s.: There will be good days and bad days. But I'm sure I've some good luck coming my way soon.


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