of a Peach

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December 24 – 9 o’clock

Dear Self,

We were let home early this evening because tomorrow is Christmas. On Christmas, most servants get to leave and spend the day with their families, wherever they are. The castle is usually very empty by the morning.

But I always have to stay here. I’m the personal servant to Pierce and being a personal servant is a "very big responsibility". Tomorrow morning I’ll still be getting the young Prince dressed and ready for his day. But the best part is spending time with him and his family.

Sometimes I feel like it’s my family, the Islas. I know I’ll get hung for even thinking that, so let’s hope that no one but me reads this.

I can’t wait, though, for tomorrow to come. Some of my friends have been talking about travelling back to their family’s village and getting a whole bunch of presents from all their cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and feasting for hours. I won’t have any of that, I guess. But I don’t really care. My family celebrates Christmas differently; with a church service and the lighting of candles and the singing of songs. We do have a feast, though I’m not invited usually, and there are presents, though none of them are mine. But we still have fun. The young Prince shares everything he has with me. I’m his only friend. That’s all I could ever ask for on Christmas, I suppose.

Daniel Xavier Ghold

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