of a Friend

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March 19 - one o' clock

Dear Self,

Its later tonite, but at leest Im writing unlike last nigte. Yesterday I was sent to work on the horses with Nanna, she taut me how to brush and harnes the horses. My faverite is the wite one, Lilah. Shes pritty.

Pierce came to the hors pens this afternon, he needed to work on his riding. He almost fell of but sense Im his persenal servent, I was ther to hold on and keep him from faling. I hope your stil his servent. I think he needs you. He pretends to be fine when he's around me, but I know somethings wrong. He hasnt got a single frend, you know. I asked him about this time last yeer if he wanted to be mine, and he shrugged and stared at me. I told him that since I was to be his personal servant from now on, we might as well be friends. He kept shrugging. At first I didnt know if he knew how to talk, but he did yesterday at the stables so its okay. Hes nice but shy, I think its becuse his dad, the King, dosnt speek to him. I know I didnt know how to talk to others when my dad stopped speaking to me. Still, the litle prince will be just fine. Even though hes a yeer yonger than me I know hes alredey much strongr than me. I can tell. I think its in his eyes.

Anyways after that I had to practis the violin like usul. Teecher says Im getting beter alredy and clams Ill be a "progidy", watever that is. Then Nanna took me bak to the pens to end her lesons with Lilah, and this time she sad I cood ride one. We wer only waking and Nanna was holding on but I had lots of fun. Then it was diner time and I was takin to the kichen to wach. Nanna says I probebly wont be a cook but she says I shood lern anyways. It loks hard and scary to be so clos to fire like that. I dont think I want to cook wen I get older.

My eyes are hurting agan, so Ill go to bed now. Pleese remembr that Pierce needs you. and I think you need him to.

--Daniel Xavier

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