of a Performer

48 0 0

July 10  --  8 'o clock

Dear Self,

Dont ever do today again. For the last three weeks I have ben working on a prodgect that the rich peeple gave me. They herd me working with their childs in the preforming arts senter and liked how I said the lines so they asked me to do the leed role becase none of the others coud do it at all. I dont think I was alowd to say no, so I didnt. That was a very big mistake. I had to go into the senter three times a day for the last three weeks to work on my skript lines.

Well, I did, and let me tell you that it wasn't fun. I woudnt be suprised if you still remember this. Anyway, yesterday I had to come in very early for the last dress rehersal and we did our parts and all that. But halfway throuh I had to excuse myself and almost threw up in the bathroom. It was the butterflies in my tummy that made it happen, Im sure. After that I spended five hours in my room practising my lines and drinking alot of sugar water. They called me out at three and just before going on stage, I ran to the batroom agan and threw up for reel. All my sugar water went down the toilet but after that I went back to the consert hall. As soon as I went out, al my butterflies were gone and I did the play nearly perfict.

Still, dont do it again. My throght still hurts alot and riet after I had to be braut to my room to rest. There is a good thing about this story: everyone loved me. I was the good litle servent with the cute voise and smile. They cept talking about my hair like it was speshal. Sometimes rich poeple make me feel good.

Anyway, right now Im sitting in bed with a candle on my left leg and a cup of tea on my right. Nana tells me sometimes that there are some days that only a cup of tea can make better. I think I undrstand what she means now. At least my throght does.

By the way, Ive been practising my writing. Can you tell? Maybe next time I will be able to write even beter.

-- Daniel Xavier

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