of a Worshipper

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March 22  --  8 'o clock

Today is the day of wership. Every seven days we come to prase and wership in the holy cherch. Theres a name for it but I dont remember it right now. Today insted of working we all go to cherch and are told stores by the Pope. Im not sure if there true or not but it keeps us from hafing to work so its okay. Usuly in the wership I get bord and have to be told by Nana to look forwards agan. Nana looks after me al the time becase she has to but I think she does it also becase she loves me. My favrite parts of the servise is that after were done all the servents go to a difrent servise in anothr room and sing and danse there in the other room. Nana says I have a good voice and that I shood be a intertaner when Im older. im thinking about it still, it sounds good but i don't know. can i do that and still serve pierce still? if not i wont.

--Daniel Xavier

March 22  --  10 'o clock

I askd Nana about it and she told me that i could do both if i wanted and that it would be easy for me. she also said that shed come to every one of my conserts. Shes nice. don't forget her.

-- Daniel Xavier

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