Loki: An Outlaw's Redemption

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Planet Earth
Year 3073
Space-age City of Asgard
City Dungeons


She was getting used to it. Grimy brick walls separated her from the outside world, and the constant darkness made it hard to determine the time. She was very sure, though, that she's been here for a very long time now. Cold seeped underneath her skin, and the fact that she was bare footed didn't help. She started trembling, eyes watering with unshed tears. She hated every minute she spent down this hellhole, but there's nothing she could possibly do to escape her awaiting doom. Even her own brother gave up trying to convince the Aesirs that she wasn't at fault.

Only one person could save her... but he wasn't the best candidate.

As if hearing her desperate thoughts, the heavy metal door to her dank bastille opened slowly with a grating sound. The same people interrogating her everyday went in with their usual rigid stride. This time, they're with some others.

Thor and her twin brother, Frey.

Both of them sat in front of the prisoner, separated by a table. The interrogation team stayed back while the two of them eyed her stoically.

"We asked for a moment... to talk to you," Frey started.

"In hopes of convincing you to give every information you know about his plans and whereabouts. Possibly how to stop everything he's doing to try and keep the government in disarray."

The woman sobbed, "But I don't know anything, Thor! You know me, I've been a part of the Aesir Police for so long that betraying the government never crossed my mind."

"Freyja... I-I know you wouldn't, of course, you're my sister. But admitting even something so little could help lighten your sentence. Anything you remember, just tell me, us, and we'll help convince the president you weren't an ally of that cunning bastard."

Freyja closed her eyes in defeat as her tears continuously fell. "I already did, Frey. I told them everything I know, everything he showed me, everything he offered."

She told them all his promises, his aspirations, and his visions the very first day she was detained until now. He was so sure, so inspired, and she never once thought he's a liar. She was enamored, and he used that to his advantage. He escaped, for she let the man sway her with flowery words. Now she's in her own hell, and it must be just right to really fall deeper and accept that she was at wrong. She let herself be fooled, and she must pay the price. Even though she tried in all her best to carry out her duty despite her fondness to the mischievous mutant.

She continued harshly, "But whose to say he's telling the truth? He just used me to escape, is there a need to tell me his great plans? No. No. I'm done."

She stood, dragging herself back to her cot to drown herself with another batch of angry tears. She felt someone sat beside her, a hand over her shoulder. "I will find him, Freyja. I promise. I will make him pay for doing this to you." Frey gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before he and Thor led the group out.

"The president won't tolerate her mistake, Frey. Odin would make an example of her for everyone to see." Thor warned, a bit worried about his friends.

"There must be a way to convince the president she's not part of them outlaws. She made a mistake, a grave one, but she's been in service for so long that she deserve at least imprisonment rather than a death sentence." He knows deep inside that he'll do anything to save his sister.

"You and I both know we're not in the position to tell the president what he should and shouldn't do."

Both friends looked at each other meaningfully, plans forming in their heads, before sighing in defeat.

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