'How... the fuck... did you read that from me looking into a room?' Valeria was shocked. 'thank you, Lewis, it is really appreciated. I'm working on it'

'good. I meditate a lot, it helps. If you need anything and want to ask questions, or you just need a different set of ears, you know where I am' he smiled.

'Thank you. You should probably go back to your workout now, before people start talking' she joked.

'you're right' he smiled. 'see you around, Val'

'See ya' she watched him walk back to a rowing machine where his trainer Angela was standing. Valeria got up and went back to her room. She heard the shower being on so she softly knocked on the door.

'come in' Seb told her. 'are those my shorts?' he joked.

'They're our shorts' she corrected him. 'can I come in?' she smirked.

'You don't even have to ask'

Valeria joined him under the hot jets, feeling her muscles relax. She reached up to his lips, to kiss him.

'ich liebe dich' she whispered, her mouth still on his. 'never forget that'

'I have time for lunch, if you want to grab something' Seb told her, once they were out of the shower.

'I never say no to that, I haven't eaten yet.'

'and you went to the gym without having eaten anything? You know that's not good'

'sorry, dad. It won't happen again' she teased him. 'you need to stop leaving love bites on my neck, I hate wearing my hair down' she joked.

'Well, you need to stop looking all sexy and that, then. You walk in while I take a shower and now it's my fault my brain disconnects?' he smiled.'lunch is on the way. I got you some veggie ramen'

'danke schön'

Whilst the couple was having, Valeria told Seb about her interaction with Lewis.

'he's s good guy' he told her, with a smile. 'what are your plans for today then?'

'I think I'm just gonna sit at the spa and do absolutely nothing else' she smiled 'what time will you be done? We could have an early chilled night'

'I'll probably be finished around 5 or 6? Then we can just get room service and watch a film?'

'Sounds good to me' she replied, making herself a coffee. Seb grabbed his stuff and gave her a quick kiss.

'it would have been nice to have a day to ourselves and spend it all in bed like we used to do, you know?' Seb smirked.

'I know, I promise you we'll have one soon' she smiled. 'enjoy your data, my love. I'll think about you when I'm relaxing'

'Great, thanks. I love your support' the German scoffed.

'anytime, my love' she chuckled , watching him leave the room.

The Italian had just arrived in the spa and sat in the Jacuzzi. The sound and the feeling of the jets on her skin made her relax.

She spent hours in the spa, emptying her mind from all the worries she had felt in the past few months, her sense of anxiety finally wearing off. Knowing there were only 4 races left and then the winter break was making her feel a lot more reassured. A few months off were going to do wonders for her mental health.

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