Chapter Six

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Virgil's POV

It has been three weeks since Logan's failed experiment and Roman and I have actually started getting along.

We spend every night either binge-watching Once Upon A Time or reading. I've convinced Roman into reading My Friend Dahmer. He was wary at first, but he now seems to be enjoying it. 

During the day, we'll talk about various things- we've currently been caught up in a neverending game of 21 questions. I learned about how Roman's favorite color is actually sunset orange, and his favorite animal is a fennec fox. It's genuinely interesting learning about the man I viewed as an enemy for god only knows how long. 

We also spend a lot of time in the lab with Logicality, keeping them company as they work. Patton tends to chuckle to himself as he stops himself from making a clumsy mistake that Logan is definitely mentally yelling at the dad side for. 

"Hey, Virge?" Roman hums, setting the book down after placing the bookmarked. He adjusts the little teddy bear he was cuddling. 


"How have these last few weeks been for you, honestly?" I can sense his insecurity. Weird.

Great! I-I mean..I've genuinely enjoyed...well..being in your head, I mentally awkwardly chuckle. How...How about you?

"I feel the same! This..This has been really fun, I mean it!" I can feel a weight being lifted. 

He was about to say something else when we hear Logicality yell for us from the laboratory. 

"Yeah, Logi?" That was the stupid nickname we've been calling them. 

With a shit-eating grin, they turn towards us, holding two vials of...clear liquid. "Here, we have our antidote!" We look at them in shock. 

"Really?!" I feel that weight reappearing. Roman sounds so excitted.

Stop it, Virgil, you're being stupid.

"Well, that's what we're hoping" Logicality scratches the back of their neck.

We nod, ready for anything.

We waltz over to Logicality and they hand us a vial. "What do we do?"

"All you need to do it drink it."

So that's what we do.


Roman's POV

I wake up slowly, and I immediately feel like I've lost something. Someone. I feel empty, a feeling I'm not used to. I don't like it.

"V-Virge?" I whimper, seeing nothing but white when I open my eyes.

"Roman?" Hands cup my cheeks, and I know it's Virgil's by his shaky hands.

"I-I can't see," My voice is barely even a whisper. 

"Hey, it's okay, just hold on." I feel myself getting picked up and carried. Within minutes, I'm once again passed out. Nothing more than dead weight

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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