"What is it?" He asks, taking in her wide eyes and pale complexion. 

"He escaped?" She repeats. "How?" 

"I don't know but that's not important." Jensen tells her. "We need to get you somewhere safe. Where are you right now?"

"I'm walking around on set trying to find Joe." She says. 

"Are you alone?" 

"No. I'm with Chris." She tells him. "We're near the trailers." 

"Okay, stay with him or somebody until I can get there." He instructs. 

"Get here?" Sloan repeats in confusion, the two actors walking to the main set. "What do you mean?"

"I'm coming to get you and then we're going to find somewhere safe, probably the lake house." He tells her. 

"Dad, I'm safe on the set. Security won't let anyone though the gate unless they have clearance. Besides I have too much to do to just leave. I want to stay here until the end of the week in case they have anything they need me to reshoot and then we have a photoshoot for the promos on Saturday. I can't just drop everything and leave." She argues. "But if you're that worried, book me a flight to Vancouver and I'll stay with you there until Saturday." 


"I'm not hiding again." Sloan says, cutting him off as the two enter the main building. "I already  hid from him once. I'm tired of hiding." Jensen sighs, running a hand through his hair anxiously. 

"Fine. I'll be there in the morning." He says. "Just don't do anything stupid and put yourself danger before I get there." 

"I won't." She says before hanging up. She approaches Joe and Anthony Russos, who were talking with Sebastian and Anothy. 

"Sorry to interrupt." She says, gaining their attention. 

"Sloan, I hope you got in touch with your dad." Sloan nods. 

"I did. I'm sorry he bothered you. There's somewhat of an emergency that needed my attention." She tells him. "Which is what I wanted to talk to you about." 

"What is it?" He asks, concern in his eyes. 

"David, my stalker from a few months ago, escaped prison and they think there's a possibility of him coming after me again." She says. "My dad thinks it would be best for me to be with him in Vancouver so he's coming to get me tomorrow. If I need to stay here for anything, I'll tell him I can't leave until next week." The Russos quickly shake their heads. 

"No, I think it's best for you to stay with your dad." Anthony tells her. 

"I'll still be at the photoshoot Saturday so if you end up needing me to reshoot anything, I can extend my stay until Monday or Tuesday." She informs them. 

"Don't worry about that." Joe tells her. "As far as we're concerned, you're done with filming. And if anything happens and you can't make it to the photoshoot, don't worry about it. You just worry about your safety." 

"I apologize for all the inconveniences I've caused the last few months." She says. "I know I've had to ask for a lot of understanding and-"

"Sloan." Joe says, stopping her rambling. "It's okay. We understand. Things happen. There's nothing to be sorry for." Sloan nods and gives the two a grateful smile. She walks away and Anthony and Sebastian follow so they can shoot the next scene.

"Do you need to stay with one of us until your dad gets here?" Sebastian asks once they're outside. 

"Do you mind?" She asks. "If not, I can just wait for Chris or Scarlett to be done and see if I can stay with them." 

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