Chapter 14: What had I just done? (R-RATED: DIRTY CHAPTER)

Start from the beginning

Why would he lie about this, though?

What the fuck is wrong with my life.

I didnt know what to say. I was completely at loss of words and i could see the terrifying expression on Niall's face.

"You okay, Taseena?", he whispered, in a caring tone. "I know.. It's alot to process.."

I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

"I.." I cleared my throat, again. "Why?"

He looked down at his fingers with shame.

"He hurt you.", he said looking up with teary blue- ocean eyes.

I rest my hand on top of his and closed my eyes, resting my head on his forehead.

"Thank you..", i whispered, as soft as I could.

That's all i had to say.

Even if what he did was nothing like him, i was really thankful. He actually cared about me?

A tear escaped my eye, running down my cheek and onto my hand.

In a second, i could feel Niall's warm arms surround my body, pulling me into his. I dug my face into his chest, taking in his Aramani scent that he always had on.

Damn. It was such a turn on.

"So, how is he still alive?", i asked, sniffling, pulling away from his comforting hug.

"That's the thing. I dont know, and I'm seriously scared. Too many bad things have already happened, what if they get worse?", he repsonded carefully, keeping track of the door.

"Please dont tell anyone..", he whispered.

"I wont", i promised.

"How bout we get that food?", i smiled as i stood up next to the bed, reaching out my hand, for Niall to take.

"I'd like that", he smiled showing off his 'oh-so-sexy' braces, making me need him more than ever.

Oh my GOD. He makes me so goddamn sexually frustrated.

He took my hand and stood up, leading the way downstairs.

When we reached the kitchen, we saw only bowls of food and plates, so we walked to the livving room where both my brothers, Uncle Yasar, and all the boys were all spread out eating their food.

"Taseena!!", Max screamed as he put down his plate on the ground and sprinted towards me for a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, Max! I missed you", i giggled, looking down, as i ran my fingers through his hair.

"It's One Direction!", he whispered, in absloute 'awh'.

"Yeah, i know!", i winked.

"Hey, you guys should go get some food! It's great!", Uncle Yasar said with his mouth full of food, making it hard to understand what he said.

"Alright, Mr. Malik!", Niall responded, as we walked back into the kitchen.

"So, are they staying the night?", I asked as i handed a plate to Niall, and grabbed one for myself.

"Who, your brothers and Zayn's dad?", Niall asked as he scooped up some of the lasagna onto his plate.

"No, the Chinese potatoes.."

He just chuckled, his sexy, raspy, and soft chuckle.

This boy is just too much.

"I dont know... they might, since it's a long drive back to Zayn's house"

Hatred V.S. Acceptance (A Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now