"Ooookay. Shows over", Rey patted finn on the back, to read the room.... Well the hellish planet atmosphere in which Ben solo was no longer a threat to humanity and freedom. You grimaced at yourself for thinking about it for too long when Ben clearly sensed your thoughts like an open book. He shifted his stance in his new armour, unsure of what is to come. There was no way to comfort him as you felt the exact same.

"You ready?", Ben spoke.

"Nope", you shook your head. "You?".


You decided to make your first stop to the house of Ren. The sound of leaking water was all that as available
The halls were empty and so were the rooms. You brows knitted together with unease. You approached the training room, catching the dents and slashes on the rock structure. Though, Ren was never one for sentiment. He was a good father, he was your protector. He was the first person to take care of you in long time. He was the first person to understand that sometimes the guardians are the ones that needed guarding.

There was a loud bang that caught your attention. You immediately recognised the location. The weapon. They must've manage to start it up. There was fill ache in your heart, a fear of something you could not possibly comprehend, that unease that lurked in the back of your mind tauntjng your movements and any rational thought. Your mind was in shambles with only one narrow path before you and it was not a clear one nor was it peaceful. It was dangerous, every move needed calculation but there you were with no idea on what to calculate and where to tip toe around to avoid certain death before saving the universe.

Your small army followed you out to the back of the castle. Soon to be knights of darkness, outstretched their arms, curling them into a fist while they bent their right knee as they remained far part from. Their dominant leg. "Go back to where. You came from!", a student spoke with a threatening gaze. The silhouettes began chuckling darkly. You could not see what or who it was that hid behind the fog. You were sure that palpatine could not gather an army this quick. Not alive ones, anyway.

The fog had diminished, the approaching bodies needed were countless. They were swarms of men in rives of black. Your eyes widened when the destroyer of worlds roared, the ground quaked, causing you to tremble almost unsure whether to hold your ground and seek shelter on the comfort of the ground. The men that guarded and held their postions were none other than fallen Sith members. The ghosts of the past. The most dangerous creatures on the galaxy smirked with malicious ideas. You wanted to breath but even in this ever expanding dead land, you could find the strength to do it. As if your body, would not allow you.

Goosebumps formed under your suit.

Revan, Nihilus, Talon, Vititate, Exar Kun, Bane, Freedon Naad, Marka Ragnos, Plagueis, Sidious. You gasped lightly when a double blded saber entered your vision. Maul, you narrowed your eyes but the shock had its after effects. He didn't turn. Maul played you.

Merium patrolled the apprentices, correcting their stance when she caught a glimpse of your face. You knew that she would be overjoyed if the situations were simpler. Merium forced a smile while the kids turned to face you, bowing. Following a curt nod, you made your way before the younglings. Forming a stance of your own. You hadn't unsheathed your weapon like the others did. Ben's crystal turned gold while a purple invaded the corners of your vision with two blue ones. Kross had a saber of his own, you looked at him in disbelief, he jerked his head, raising an eyebrow, "I havent had the time to tell you".

"Funny there are many things you apparently don't find the time to tell me", you insulted. You continued to fiddle with the fingers that stuck your clammy hands.

They nervously gripped the edges of the lightsaber but the arrival of the first order ships took away your attention, with resistance fighters joining them as they exited hyper space. "Does one require assistance?", you heard a voice enter into your helmet. You pressed on the commslink in your ears to answer.

"Hux, you ginger motherfucker!", you squealed, shaking your head before he tsked you.

"Language dear",. He chuckled as he he teased. "Phasma!", he called out. "Unleash Hell", you could practically feel the smirk that appeared upon his lips. Hordes tie fighters with matte black polish, flew over your heads. You craned your neck to watch every single fighter fly side by side X-wings.

The weapon released a gigantic laser of blue on to the sky. Eyes narrowing at the Sith emperor who watched with a sky smile that took residence on his wrinkled lips. Maul was the least of your issues while the eater of the force, Nihilus became your goal to destroy, first or he would relish in the power that your allies would bring. There was a few minutes of silence that the planet had graced upon you before the raining choas that would bleed onto the floors of the granite ground.

There was no Sith, that missed the opportunity to join the fight, wielding their red sabers with elegance and anticipation.

There was doubt in your mind that was quickly replaced by determination yet your the pace of your heartbeat did not relent. Nausea invaded your system sending shiver after shiver into your body when with the raise of the hands, the sith brought down multiple tie fighters.

"Child, you are as foolish as they come", Palpatine spoke through the silent, gustling soft breeze that caressed your skin with a strand of your hair. "Do you not know? I AM ALL THE SITH", he announced. The ground vibrated with his yell. You only moved forwards listening to chants of the encouragement from the sith. A large carrier ship landed behind you with hissing and a roar. You did not spare the view that soon followed behind you.

The knights stood between the gaps that formed between your once small army. They marked the ground with their weapons indicating their ownership to the land and will to protect it. The students of Ren, stomped the ground with a threatening gaze as many men in rusty armour joined in. You turned your head to the side, spotting the man in the rusty armour. You offered a smile and nod of gratitude before he spoke. "Thank you", you whispered with shuddering breath. You could not voice how grateful you were at their attendance. "You didn't have to come", you stuttered.

"We owe you a life debt, goddess", he placed a hand over his chest. "Ibic cuyir te ara (This is the way)", he nodded, narrowing his eyes on the siths.

"This is the way", you replied.

Snapping your head to the enemy, who seemed to be intimidated by the look in your eyes. You brought your eyelids to a close and held onto the darkness of it all. You threw out all the thoughts the haunted you, feeling a surge of power overwhelm your body. You clenched your fists on your sides, nails digging into your palms as you energised your body. Your eyes remained closed as you began taking slow steps. You kneeled with one knee on to the ground. Using your fingers to hold you steady on the ground. You breathed heavily, focusing all your strength in doing the same as Palpatine had accomplished.

You slowly stood up, not revealing your eyes yet. "And don't you know, Emperor?—", you mocked.You smirked as countless ghosts formed behind you. You heard the cocking of guns from the clones and humming of sabers from the jedis.

Every single creature had midichlorians in their body and you were the one to create it. That meant you could control any life force, dead or alive. Anakin and the jedi Council took their place and readied their stance. Han cocked his blaster, poitingnit at the Siths while leia ignited her saber. You could see sense the shock in the emperors face. You shot your eyes open, they illuminated, a white light from within. Ahsokas double saber light up with great might while Mace windu stood beside Kross, impressed by the purple kyber. Obi wan and satine stood side by side. The skywalkers and solos followed a line. Ben's eyes welled up with tears gripping his golden saber. Yoda was calm just as qui gon was, there energy bounced off the high jagged cliffs and into you. This was the only serenity you would receive in a long while.

The galaxy reunited for the first time for the greater good of universe and all because of you. You could not dissapoint your own creation. Their undying loyalty would never be put to words, would never be written in the history books but will only be remembered by the people that are now here, to fight for you and die for you. You shot your eyes open as a bright light ingulfed your irises.


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