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Two days.
Two days since you had last slept, the word of Kronix's escape spread like a pandemic. Everyone will know of the incompetent First order, all because, you wanted to play hero with your feelings. Your body was almost incapable of functioning yet you spent most your time in the training room. Kuruk had a 'talk' with Kylo, either of whom, you haven't since met. Maybe Kylo's avoiding you or you, him.

The sounds of his saber humming as it slashed through each and every panel or droid in sight was all that happened in the course of two agonizing days.

During lights out, when everything died down. You sneaked into the hangar, carrying whatever beer, you had left in your fridge.

You sat on the cold black floor in a dark hangar, that resembled your very mind. Blank, a true nothingness.
You missed knowing Kronix was in the med bay, the answer to all your questions or Vicrul was asleep on his bed in his quarters. Instead, you fucked up. You knew, whatever happens, you could not let Kronix die as he was your 'ally'. The beer bottles were drinking in your sorrows, consuming them, like water seeping into a pore.

"It's past lights out", Kylo spoke up from behind. You ignored his words and continued drinking. "Care to join?", You lifted a beer bottle to your side. You understood by his silence, that he in fact, will not be joining you. "More for me then", you slowly set the beer back on the floor.

"When was the last time, you slept?", The sound of Kylo's footsteps; gaining.
"Roughly two days?", You shaked your head, unable to remember what the tranquility of sleep felt like. You forgot what, having no burdens, that now weigh down your weak shoulders down by each passing second.
"Come on, let's go", his right leg came in contact with your left arm, as his eyes bore into you. You denied his command; continuing the stare into the stars, creating shapes like a child would. "Alright", he whispered.

You didn't care if he shoved you into the wall and made a statue, nor if he ripped you apart.

The force around your body, seized any voluntary movements. Your back now in contact with the floor. He kept you in that position for a while before moving to bend his frame. He slipped his arms under your knee and on your back. He was picking you up. You furrowed your brows as you staredd at him. "Relax", his words were enough to call back the sleep, you so dearly chased. "When was the last time, you showered?. The blood still stains your skin", his eyes remained forward. He knew the answer to the question. At that moment, you understood that he was trying to get you to talk. "Hmm", was all he said.

He walked past your quarters, your weary eyes, caught glimpse of the closed hatch to your room. "Where are we going?", You whispered. He didn't answer.

He stood still infront of a familar hatch. "What?", You placed a hand on his chest. Trying to get him to talk, other than his occasional "Hmm".

You knew the smell of the room, all too well. This was Kylo's living room. You struggled with his grip. It made him tighten his hands around you more.

The living room was now behind you. He walked into the hallway, the blue lights, making it seem like you entered another dimension. You wish the comfort of the blue lights always remained in that scrapyard mind of yours. You finally accepted that now you're, his. Always under his command. A puppet always obeys it's puppeteer. "You need a shower and change of clothes", he slowly put you down, opening the hatch to a completely foreign room. A separate room. You should be thankful, you had your own room, other than Kylo's. But his care towards you, was something you could not deny, loving. The room had a low red lighting, with only a large sized bed and small night stand. The grey sheets were ironed to perfection, or maybe no one ever enters. Your eyes fell on the bathroom hatch.

He gestured for you to get cleaned up. "I stopped by your room, and picked up whatever I could find", he muttered. You smiled as you entered the bathroom. You were shocked by how beautiful it was. Blue must've been his favorite color. The thought, that a man as cold as Kylo Ren has a favorite colour, you snickered.

FOR HER HONOR ONLY | Kylo Ren Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora