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The winding staircase was dimly lit by medieval torches only revealing a portion of its worn out mud wall interior. You were closing in on a well lit room, the torches inside created shadows of many bodies scattered across the room.

Upon entering, you were met with sound of guns cocking and the laser light of their aims, pointing between you brows. Raising your hands slowly, you walked closer to a red couch where Bala Tik sat the exact same way he did back at the inn with the ugly bitch of a Blutopian by his side, Oga. "Ah Supreme Leader, what an honor", Bala Tik completely ignored your presence. "Please sit, you and your men are welcome to sit here", he smirked. The knights along with their leader and Kross took a seat on the large sofa.

You stood still, whilst Bala Tik got under your nerves. Kylo's posture was always unusually straight. The knights on the other hand, they took the invitation to sit, all too well. You rolled your eyes at their comfort. They seemed to enjoy the relaxation after battle.

"Sorry about the guns, one can never be too careful", he raised his finger and moved it in a circle. Kylo's jaw tensed. You leaned your back against the clay wall. "Are you aware your men killed my brother? ", Bala Tik leaned closer.

"Yes I am aware, I was there", Kylo's voice was stern. You were biting your cheek; holding back a snicker at his boldness.
"Ricky is your brother?", Vicrul spoke out, somewhere behind his jokes, hid pure rage. Bala Tik nodded in response.
"Of course I hold no grudges against you or men for it we both know who is responsible for this", he looked straight at you. "So-", Bala Tik continued until Vic decided to chime in.
"Hold on, was he called Rick Tik or... ", he stroked his mask around the chin. "Pan!", he called out to you, you turned your head lazily at him. "What do you think?", his voice had a hint of joy in it.

You acted completely dazed as if you weren't paying any attention. "Sorry what was that? Dick Rick or Rick Dick?", your eyes widended.

"HIS NAME!!", Bala Tik clenchd his fists as he stood up. He then looked over at very disrespected Supreme Leader; cooling himself as he sat down. "His name was Vala Rik", he uttered after clearing his throat, the third time.
"My bad", you placed your hand on your chest.
"That's quite alright, women have a small thinking capacity, I'm not surprised", he snickered. In that moment you had a incoming call from Kuruk, you carefully picked the call up. "Pan, do you copy....", you coughed a yes, clenching your fists.

"I took it upon myself to search Yen and...You're not going to like this. I found fifteen rigged explosives under your ship", he sighed heavily. Your anger reached its peak.

You darted rapidly at the guard near you and snapped his neck in milliseconds. The rest of the men aimed their guns at you. "oops", you raised a hand over your mouth, your fingers grazed your lips, lightly as your lips parted and mouth stood agape. This time Bala Tik spared no respect in front of the Supreme Leader but only signaled his men to shoot at you. That was the last straw.

The bullets hung in the air, halted before they could hardly reach you. You looked over to Kylo who had his hand raised into a fist. "Nobody touches what is mine", as soon as he said those words, the three avenging beasts that was you, Vicrul and Kross slit guavian throats leaving only a shivering Oga and a terrified leader of an esteemed death gang. Kross and Vicrul made their way to the Bala Tik; grinning widely.
"Once you're done. Bring him out, dead or alive", you waved your fingers. "Preferably both", you shrugged. Trudgen dragged Oga by her collar up the stairs and threw her to the ground.

"Consider yourself the First Order has use for your snake ass or I'd be having my ways with you", you held her head up; looking at her in disgust. She murmured inaudible words. You left your grip on her only to slam her head on the cold concrete floor, she was out cold.

FOR HER HONOR ONLY | Kylo Ren Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat