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You stomped on the ground as you made your way to his room.
Kylo walked out from his bedroom, and rushed towards the main hatch, as you basically barged in like it was nobody's business. With a wave of his hand, the hatch slid shut. Before you could take another or utter a another word, his hand met your waist, shoving you to the door, your breath caught in your lungs, picked up with one hand and with absolutely no difficulty. You gasped before he grabbed your neck, bringing you face to met his plump lip, that hungrily took you. He was impatient; that was very clear. "I want this off", he ordered. The anger of last night's events were alive, "Never again, Kylo, Never again", the words were echoing in your mind constantly. You pushed Kylo away from your body, missing the warmth of his touch already. You shook yourself free of that contagious feeling. He looked at your defiance with furrowed eyebrows and a quivering bottom lip. "I..I don't understand", he placed his palms behind his head, like he was trying solve a mystery. "Ofcourse, you wouldn't", you scoffed. You cleared your throat. "I ask that you do not meddle with my personal life. Hux is of matter to me, he trains under me therefore I care for his well-being".
"You fancy him?", Kylo sat down, his back facing you.
"What?. Oh, God no. He is my friend and trainee, that's all", you shook your head. "Like I said, that isn't any of your business. Who I fuck, Who I love or like nor What I wear", you raised your voice. He growled like a beast at your words. "Yes it is. You're my knight, it is my business, especially if meddles with your-", he stopped as you decided to cut his sentence short.
"My what?, Hm?. My work?", You chuckled. "I am the best warrior you have. As long as I don't dissapoint which so far, I never have. You have no reason to carry such a burden of being so invested in my personal life. I never asked you to, so I suggest you keep your pathetic excuses to yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I will go train with my men. Because unlike you, I actually put my heart and soul into a mission. Have fun thinking about Han Solo or whoever you kill, nowadays", you shrugged.
"Where did you hear that", he slowly rose up. "You know the answer to that, Ren", you force slid the door open, you began walking away when loud thuds of a boot meeting the ground brutally came back to haunt you again. Kylo yanked your arm behind, causing you to almost loose your footing. "I asked you a question", he hissed through his vocabulator.
Before you could speak, you were saved by a knight in chrome armour. Kylo let go off your arm as Phasma made her towards the both of you.
"It's time for the briefing", her voice too behind a mask, you raised your fingers again as they mask ejected in to your a face. "Let's go, then", you gestures at Phasma to walk alongside you. The sound of three pairs of boots clanking sent chills down everyone's spine except the knights Their boots were even louder. You reached the command centre and you nodded at Hux, who was still pale from the recent choking........but, then again the meeting, when was he not pale. "Our mission is primarily based on Nar Shadda, before the Hutt's stepped in and turned into the most luxurious city that lay before your eyes, it was every smugglers paradise. Anyone seeking to disappear or keep things under the radar, Nar Shaddaa was the place for it. Intel suggests that, the rich and breathtaking city that the Hutt's built is just a front to allow the most notorious in the galaxy to pass by unnoticed", An hologram appeared before Hux's eyes, as he began explaining it more. "It is rumoured to be biggest the black market network  we've ever come across", Hux looked at everyone.
"How reliable is this source, General?", You asked.
"Very, but for this mission, it requires the face of the Supreme Leader if we are to finish the mission, that does NOT end in a bloodbath neither end like Canto Bight", Hux looked at you. Your eyes twitched at his remark, you were going to give him hell for that.
"It will be an undercover mission which may or may not take weeks if not days", his words confused every knight in the room. Kylo stepped in,
"General, you are aware. The First Order doesn't run itself", his cold voice startled every man in the room except you and knights. "This matter is rather urgent, Ren", Hux looked straight at Kylo. Well, shit he wants another choking; time to step in.
"Copy that and General do not worry, we'll have it done in a few days; that's a gurantee", you pointed at your knights as you spoke.
"Excellent, you leave tommorow. My troopers will not be going", Phasma replied.
"Understood. Knights, take the night off, we have a long and important day tommorow, I need you all sharp", Kylo looked at the men, who bowed their head in response, you followed suit. Before the boys could leave, you stopped them, "Before you retire to quarters boys. I'd like a word in the training room if you will", your smile bent them to your will. "Ofcourse, Bloodhound", Kuruk replied and patted you on the shoulder, rather hard. You mouthed a thank you. As they left, you turned your attention towards the Hologram. "Who's this mercenary?", You placed your palms on the borders of the table. "You'll find out soon, enough", Hux smirked.
"You'll be taking the Howler, the night buzzard is very well known to the galaxy, and the Silencer is out of question", Hux added. You nodded at him. Great, what's better than having Kylo Ren tag along, him being in your ship. "Now that everything is cleared, you all are dismissed", Kylo ordered as he pivoted on his heel. Not long after, you left. Trying your best to avoid his mood swings.

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