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A/N: The kylo Ren POV will be heavily based upon the TROS novel. So a lot of material will be similar.

Also, I'll be giving some gifs of Pandora's powers, meaning your powers, but do not think the person in those gifs in related to Pandora, only that they are depictions of her actions.  TW: gore will be involved.

"Now reaching. Batuu", a robotic female voice informed you as you watched the stars from your rooms giant window. Fingers interlocked with each other in your back. Deep in thought.

You wondered what would await you in Morris's temple. You tried your very best to focus on the task in hand. Which was getting revenge for Vicrul. You weren't nervous at all. You were the best Ren to ever live. 'Ren', you couldn't trust him anymore or his path. Tears threatened to spill once more at the thought of the knights.

What if, after you tell them everything, they remain with their dark nature. What if they, send you to your execution. No no, it can't be, they were your family. You hated yourself for the self doubt and mistrust that consumed your once strong mind. Your thoughts shot back  to Vicrul and Kylo. The way they cherished you, wanted you. There was no way, they'd betray. But Kylo; you didn't know what he was to you, only that you were his. Everyday, he proves you wrong with his vulnerability and care, the humanity that everyone thought left him, remained dormant. You wanted to help him, become his true self.

You could see his conflict, the conflict of Ben Solo, the one he claims he killed. How could you help someone who was as equally broken as you. None of them, wanted to be fixed, because it meant being vulnerable. You never doubted your abilities for the dark side but with Anakin, obi wan and the other force users, you began to rethink your entire belief's. You were balanced, though you stood in the middle, the path that follows is that of lost souls. How would one venture into a journey, with no expectations nor hope to make it out alive. Why were you so lost. Why?!.

You're an empress once, then a goddess. The power that comes with the title seem to be non existent. You knew you were powerful but in what way. You barely needed your powers. You had a whole life that someone locked up and that someone is, Palpatine. You were a knight in his game of chess. An important piece, but disposable. A sith lord, chasing you, his puppets come knocking on your door step like Children in Halloween. One thing, you hated Halloween and kids. Those puppets wanted what was cursed upon you. A gift, is what people claim you have. What is the point of a gift if you didn't know what to do with it, nor have the time to learn, how to use it to its full capacity without Palpatine's minions watching your every move. You were the hunter that now became the hunted.

Another obstacle of worry hit you. Why did you kill Snoke. You've never met him, well as far as you could remember. But, the thought of losing Rey, made you react with full force. Weird thing is, it felt like muscle memory; a reflex of sorts. You knew that deep inside, you had to save her. The way she spoke to you, the honesty in her voice. The good in her made you nauseous, yet you were drawn to it, like Kylo. He reached out to you, the same day in the same way. You never experienced such a phenomenon. You studied the sith and Jedi ways in the old texts. They spoke of the one who would bring balance to the force. Problem was you were a balanced, and had no clue how to balance the light nor the dark in you. You always let the light take over

Your thoughts carried your light feet to the cockpit. You sighed heavily, taking a seat on pilots seat. You switched to manual, so you could enter the planet, under the radar; without worrying about prying eyes on your very expensive ship.

You made your way to Oga's cantina, far south of the LZ. The greater the distance, the less likely to get caught. You were in your armour still, it was your second skin. Besides, as far as they are concerned you're just a bounty hunter passing through. The Batuu sun was rather a sight

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