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The weapon pulled itself out from the body and into it's owners hands. "Kept you waiting, huh?", His vocabulator let out a chuckle. You squinted your eyes, shaking your head as if you were hallucinating. "Vicrul?. Wha..how..You", you stammered.
"Can we talk later?, I have a revenge to seek", Vicrul jerked his head at the nearing attacker's.

"Get in line", you retracted your helmet, your eyes never ceased to surprise him. Vicrul faced the opposite from where you were facing. Your backs colliding with each other. He turned his head slightly, meeting his shoulders. You did the same, nodding. The men raised their weapons high; darting towards you. They let their fear of death dictate their actions. How weak.

Two Guavians on each side, charging their fists. You set Fury on your back. Your force pushed one, high up into the air. The second guard gained ground. You crossed your arms into a 'X', when the Guavian walloped with great force. Catching his fists before he could concuss you. He pulled at his arm, moronically. You jerked your head at him, reminding him that he had a free hand. The idiot shaked his head but before he could make use of his other hand, you snapped his neck to the side while he was in the midst of what look like a existential crisis.


Vicrul saved your ass yet again, halfway into the massacre. "I had that under control", you weren't sure if you were trying convince Vicrul or yourself.
"Yeah, I Bet", the grenade head scoffed as his scythe plunged into one of Oga's men. Your hair was now flowing from the previously tightly done Dutch braid. You looked around to make sure, the men were safe before you heard Vicrul grunting, blade meeting blade with his opponent. "Isn't it ironic?. How Cardo brought a weird gun to a knife fight".
You snickered under your breathe.
"You are aware that I can hear the both of you, right? ", Cardo spoke into your minds.
"Who are we kidding, Kuruk brought a literal gun", you chuckled.
"Watch it, I just saved your lives", Kuruk warned.
"Wait, what?... When?", You looked at the distant trees. Then, you heard it, a bullet flying by you, few inches away from your hair. "There", you could feel the sky expression on Kuruk's face. You returned the favour with a death stare, your eyes made it seem more diabolical than it's original intention. You heard a familiar groan. You pivoted on your heel, Kylo was swarmed by men. Though, he managed to fight some of them off. There was one adamant soldier. Trudgen bent his figure as you looked over to him. You ran to him, holding Fury between both your hands. Readying your arms for the powerful cut it was about to deliver. Your feet landed on Trudgen's back, he catapulted you into the air time as you flew closer to the man on top of Kylo. You sliced the attacker with one swift slash. The blood gushed on to Kylo's body. You fell on his body, knees resting by his hips. For a moment, you were enchanted by the amber eyes behind those terrifying visors . It instantly made you insecure about the dark ones that he saw. He must've heard your thoughts when placed his gloved hand on your cheek. "Beautiful", he whispered. In a moment of sheer panic, you averted your gaze from his heavenly ones. You quickly shot up from him, and held out a hand to him, a gesture of 'you're welcome' .

You and Kylo went your ways, the viscous attack from your blades, caused many to cower before their inevitable death. Kylo became more aggressive after the moment you both shared.


"WHERE IS BALA TIK?!", Kross screamed with great power as he held Wraith to the last man's throat. You noticed how your voices changed when your eyes did. They were yours but amplified to sound more demonic as if both the chords in you, chimed together to produce such horrific screeches.
You were kicked out of your trance as Ushar nudged you forward to question the man. Vicrul had beaten him to a pulp, worse than what they did to him back in Nar Shaddaa and threw him to Kross. The man knew the fate that awaited him would be ten times worse if he didn't cooperate. Yet, he hesitated. "Fine", you exasperated. "I'll do it myself", you placed a palm on his forehead. His head facing upwards.

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