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You rubbed the back your head and tugged hairs on the burning scalp as static fought against you. You kept your eyes closed for the remainder of two minutes until your boots clanked against cold steel. In panic, you watched your surroundings, finding yourself in a dark ship with no lights except from the stars that shined so bright, it colored your surroundings with it.

Your heels stomped the metal as you walked towards the cockpit. Kylo still had his mask on while he switched some panels on and off, Kylo snapped his head at you while you agreesively scratched the side of your neck. "Sit down", he gestured at the co-pilot seat.

"Wha-", you began to protest while the world around moved in circles. Throwing you limp on the Seat. "'d me?", you asked as your eyes kept rolling to the back of your head.

"I upped the dosage. You might want to rest or the trip to Mortis's temple will be hell", he chuckled.

"Kylo, wha..the fu..", you blacked out again.


"Hello?", you called out to the blurry figure infront you, echoes forming after your words. "Who are you?", you asked with sudden pang of fear.

She replied with a voice, the same as mine. "I could ask you the same thing. Call me - - ", she nodded. The blurriness turned to a clearer vision. You were taken aback just as she was when you both faced one another.

"You're me?", both of you asked in unison with the same perplexed expression. You studied but slowly softened you features when you decided that she wasn't going to harm you and you introduced yourself. You sat on a small bed behind you, that mimicked your own room on the ship. With elbows on your knees. Just as you, she seemed to not care for her physical features that resided on her face. While examining one another, she spoke out.

"Well, since you and I are stuck in whatever this is, might as well talk to each other", she leaned her back against a wall. I did not reply, only letting our growl in the place of hum, courtesy of my weak body but she did the same as me. "I'll start, I had the weirdest day", she threw a flabbergasted expression, threw her hands in the hair. You couldn't help but chuckle at how similar your situation was.

"Yeah, me too..", you shook your head.

She had began speaking about her problems, sounding suspiciously similar to mine. She spoke of an old flame who may or may not have been in danger. Although I didn't know that if this my imagination or another one of the emperors tricks. Both were highly unlikely.

"I had lost someone recently. Somone who claimed to have known me in my past life but I barely knew him. Yet, my heart weeps for him, because of him, I discovered within myself a power I never knew I had in me", you craned your neck to face towards your boots, tapping them.

"I call that, a body reflex", she shrugged. You furrowed your brows in curiosity, pulling your head closer to her theory. "Your mind may not remember you the faces but no one can destroy the power of touch. That almost familiar feeling. Everyone's bodies are unique in its own way but when once in physical contact of any sort we can detect it anywhere. Its basically embedded in our muscles ", you hum in response, taking all her words into deep thought."And this power you speak of, that is probably the same thing that made you sad for that dead dude", her last words were daggers to your heart. You snapped your head, throwing her a threatening gaze. She raised her hands beside her head in defeat. "All I'm saying is that. This power sounds like it has a mind of its own. The will to protect and avenge those you love. If you ask me, it's nothing to be ashamed nor afraid of"

"What if I am not allowed to love?", words exited your mouth with sadness and guilt.

"Everyone is", she shrugged. "Only I'm a bit a of a-", she stopped abruptly as you cut her off with the exact stament you would think off.

FOR HER HONOR ONLY | Kylo Ren Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant