Chapter 44- "I Love You"

Start from the beginning

Mia's p.o.v

I couldn't see anything it was just like staring into space a whole load of emptiness but I could hear Daryl he was talking to me wether it was real or just a dream it soothed me I was as worried but hearing him talk and feeling like he was beside me made it okay.

"You better wake up you hear me?" He whispered, "This time I can't save you, you gotta do this yourself."

"Oh this sounds bad." A voice rung a familiar spine chilling voice.

"Your not real, your not fucking real." I said to myself before turning.

"Hey baby girl." He smirked devilishly.

"I am not scared of you!" I snapped, "Your dead!"

"That's not a nice thing to say about me is it Scarlett?"

I looked down to see her clinging to his leg my blood started to boil what sick fucking dream was this, my eyes slowly moved up his body taking in all his tattoos his clenched fists and his piercings what an idiot I was.

"Get the hell away from her Luke I mean it."

"What are you gonna do? Your weak and a no good slut."

I lunged for him but he vanished I had not the slightest idea what was going on I couldn't tell if I was dead or alive and if I was dead this was pretty much hell. I closed my eyes and when a reopened them I was staring at a ceiling.

Daryl's p.o.v

My head was swirling with thoughts I just stared into nothing until I heard Mia stir, I turned my head to see her eyes open and directly looking at the ceiling I sat up to get a better look to see her skin grey and her eyes glazed over she was dead.


Her body snapped into action throwing herself at me going for my bare arm I held her arms length away trying not to get emotional I knew what I had to do I held my eyes shut gathering myself before trying to do anything.


My eyes flew open and I gasped for air I was still laying down I must of fallen asleep which means it was just a dream, Carol was kneeling beside me with a worried expression until I sat up I could feel the sweat trickling down my face.

"Are you okay?"

"It was just a nightmare." I mumbled rubbing face,

"I think she's waking up." She said nodding towards Mia.

"Mia? Can you hear me?" Hershel said kneeling beside her body.

"Her pulse is stronger Daddy."

"I think she's going to pull through." Hershel smiled.

"Da-Daryl." Mia murmured.

I took her small hand in mine,"I'm here."

Her eyes slowly opened and fluttered a little and finally squinting before frantically looking around until her eyes landed on me, I smiled kissing her hand softly she tried to sit up but Hershel advised it wasn't the best thing to do.

"That's my girl." I said under my breath,

"C'mon let's give them some space."

"Uh.. Fuck." She groaned lifting her head to look at her stomach.


She narrowed her eyes, "What do you think?"

"I think your lucky."

She didn't know did she? The bite was covered by some rag Carol managed to find I wasn't quite sure how Mia would react to it she tried to sit up again cursing until the pain was too much and she laid back down.

"Ain't no infection going to kill me Dixon."

"It weren't that Mia, look at your arm." I sighed nodding towards it.

She lifted her arm up and stared at it funny and then looked back at me, "What?"

I shook my head leaning over to untie it and pulling the rag away. I watched her eyes widen she didn't really react as I thought. I sighed and covered it back up I didn't know what to say I mean there's not a lot you can say.

"I'm bit." She said,

"You didn't have any symptoms."

"So what does that mean? I'm not gonna turn or it's taking longer?"

"We think your immune to the bite." Hershel informed,

"How? Am I the only one?"

"You might not be its rare with every disease there's going to be a small number of people immune to it and with this diseases it's air born or given by a bite and you must be immune to the bite."

"Surely we could use that as a cure?" Maggie said looking at Eugene.

He shrugged his shoulders, "We would need someone who was immune to both the air born and the bite."

"Your gonna be fine." I said kissing her head, "Just gotta cover that thing up whilst it heals."

Her eyes started to well up and she tried to cover her face I didn't know what to do I weren't no good at this comforting stuff I just held her hand gently rubbing my thumb over the back of it. The group gave us a little space letting Mia take everything in.

"You scared me you know." I said quietly.

"I could hear you talking to me, at least I think you were."

"What was I saying?"

"Something about saving my pansy ass and you shouldn't of left me."

"Yeah it was me."

"I'm so sorry." She sobbed,

"I'd hug yah but i don't wanna hurt you."

"I thought I was dead Daryl."


I helped her slowly sit up and pulled her into my chest stroking her hair whilst she stained my shirt with her tears. I just rested my chin on her head and let her cry I was just glad she was awake. I needed her.

"I love you." I mumbled quite enough for only her to hear.

I'm glad she's okay poor Daryl but he finally admitted he loved her!!! Yay! :) leave me a comment if you wish and thank you for all the love :) ~Rainie.

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