Descriptive Pieces- 2

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The grass is soft and ticklish as I remove my shoes and place my feet gently off the mat. A heavy wind blows against my face and I pull my leather jacket closer, trying not to make it too obvious. My eyes flutter around the scene just like the finally awaking night life zooming around me, a silent buzz gradually forming in the night sky. 

I tilt my head upwards, letting my loose, long hair fall behind me, reaching down to the mat I sit on, and start, unblinking, at the infinite sky and the twinkling stars that pull me closer every moment that I hold its eyes. I force my face to look back down towards the horizon where a few romantic couples click silhouettes of themselves and a pang of envy hits me, the desire of a friend creeping up my neck. 

I slide it away consciously and stand up, turning around only to check if my checkered mat is held down perfectly by the basket full of cake that I brought along-and it is- so I walk carelessly into the open meadow and dance along with the night.

By Dia Makhecha

TIP: Always write descriptive writing essays/pieces in Past tense-it's easier- but present tense is not not-allowed.

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