But I Beg to Differ

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But I Beg to Differ

By Dia Makhecha

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written- most certainly:

That death is always near.

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written-most certainly

But the truth in those words

Is seldom believed and always feared.

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written- most certainly

In the stars at night

On the lines of our palm

By the men- old and wrinkly

But do we bother? Do we hear?

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written- most certainly

And the chapters it holds

Are crystal clear.

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written- most certainly

Not by the hand connected to our body

But by a hand up above

Who knows each minds worth

Each minds Yes and No

And Why and How.

They say it's not written

But I beg to differ

It's written- most certainly

It's a big fat novel

But we, only we, can be its Publishers.

TIP: Remember not to sway away from the theme of the poem- which you should decide before or while writing it

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