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Aw isn't that a cute fanart??


Volpina was standing in front of Viperion, Cat Noir was standing at the back, very disappointed and upset. Viperion did not complain. He was shaking too but he tried to hide it. Volpina's lie had made him dread Marinette's absence when Ladybug returns, even more than before. Cat Noir wasn't shaking but he looked angry. Viperion was still trying to wrap the fact that Adrien is in fact Cat Noir around his head. It made sense, but it was still hard to accept.

"You ruined everything!" Volpina yelled at Viperion.

"I know. I am surprisingly good at my job." Viperion said as Cat Noir confidently walked and stood next to Viperion. 

"Tell me, what went wrong." Volpina glared at them.

"That's something I'd like to know too..." Cat Noir said in a low voice, Volpina couldn't hear him.

"Nothing went wrong from my side. You just underestimated me and I saw your fake Ladybug stealing Cat Noir's miraculous." Viperion said.

Cat Noir looked at Viperion, his face tensed, "So-so you know who I am?"

"Cat Noir... Yes, I do. But we'll talk about this later?" Viperion nodded towards Volpina.


"Stop talking!" Volpina sneered and without any warning, attacked Cat Noir.

Cat Noir defended himself. Viperion felt like he should help but Cat Noir was doing just fine. Plus, he had used his 'second chance' power once, so now he might de-transform any moment. He thought of doing it before it happens automatically. He had an egg for Sass. Coincidentally, Cat Noir had thought of it today. Viperion analyzed his surroundings and went behind the tank to de-transform.

"Scales rest." He whispered.

Now Luka was standing with his kwami floating in front of him.

"I need to go out there and help Adr- Cat Noir. Sass, you must be tired..." Luka checked his pockets and to his surprise, he found the, safe and sound. He gave the egg to his kwami and in he few minutes, Sass ate the egg and clearly felt better.

"I am refreshed now, masster..."

"Good. Sass, scales slither!"


Another small chapter, but relax, we're getting there. I will try to upload another chapter next friday, but I have exams coming up so I might fail... Anyway, thanks for reading, votes appreciated! :D

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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