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Well, I used this picture since my story focuses more on Adrien's and Luka's friendship. I like it although many people mostly see them as rivals.


Should he give the miraculous to Luka tonight? There was no need for the night patrols  now that Bunnix has told them that in two days, Ladybug and Marinette will be back. 

This was the thing going on in Adrien's mind.

He was confused.

But, he was really over-joyed about Ladybug  and Marinette returning.  Luka didn't look happy when Bunnix didn't even mention Marinette's name in her message, but Adrien knew she would be fine.

Finally, Adrien decided that he will not give Luka the miraculous today. And once Ladybug returns, giving Luka a miraculous won't be necessary.

"Gotta tell him this, Plagg, claws out!"

Cat Noir was jumping over rooftops of buildings until he saw Luka in the park. He wasn't exactly expecting Luka to be there, Then Cat Noir saw something which he did not like. Alya and Nino were also in the park, but away from Luka, chatting with Lila. Cat Noir went towards Luka which immediately caught Alya's attention. 

"Cat Noir?" Luka said, as Alya came running, with Nino behind her. Lila did not even move from her position and frowned in disappointment when she saw Cat Noir.

"Cat Noir?" What are you doing here? Do you have any news about Marinette?" Alya asked, her brows furrowed.

"No, not yet. But I am here to talk to Luka, Marinette's best friend." Cat Noir said.

Alya looked confused while Luka looked happy.

"Cat Noir, no offence to Luka, but I am Marinette's best friend..."

"Maybe, but it doesn't look like it. If you were her best friend, or even a friend, you wouldn't be talking to Lila right now, Luka wouldn't be sitting alone like this. You know Marinette hates Lila, right?" Cat Noir replied.

Alya looked offended.

When Luka and Cat Noir were alone, Cat Noir said, "Luka, I don't think giving you the Miraculous won't be necessary now,  we won't do the night patrols now."

"But Cat Noir, we can't let our guard down like this. Plus, we still don't have any news about Marinette, do we?" Luka protested.

"I am pretty sure that she is with Ladybug."

"How do you know that? We have had no evidence pointing towards this theory!" Luka looked annoyed and cat Noir didn't wanna argue with him. Also, he wasn't wrong about no clue regarding Marinette's whereabouts, he was quite sure that she was with Ladybug, but still.

"Fine, we will do the patrols, but for a shorter duration."

"Thank you Cat Noir."


Another chapter ends here, I am sorry if Alya appears... bad(?) in this chapter, but she never believes whatever Marinette tells her about Lila, does she? So I was just trying to show that. I hope that you noticed how she cared about Marinette more and did not ask anything about Ladybug (although that is debatable too). So anyways, that will be all for today.

Until next time Miraculours, Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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