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On the way to Marinette's house, Luka kept feeling jittery. Like his insides were made of jelly. He would glance at Marinette every now and then and smile sheepishly, he didn't generally do that but today he couldn't help it. He hoped he wasn't blushing because it would be pretty embarrassing if Luka showed up in front of Marinette's parents, looking like he had held his breadth for the past few hours.

After what seemed like several years and maybe only a few seconds at the same time, they were in front of the beautiful house/bakery. Marinette opened the door and welcomed him inside.

Luka remembered the place from his time when Marinette was missing, but this time he was more nervous. Inside, Marinette parents were waiting for him with a polite smile on their faces. Luka looked at them and thought, "You have done this before, you can do this again."

He smiled too and moved towards them. He shook her father's hand and nodded. Her mother offered him to sit and he did.

Marinette, trying to break the silence by saying that Luka was a great musician, which did not help his blush-problem. Then, the two of them proceeded to the story of how they first met and how they became friends. When Luka was asked more about his band, he stupidly mentioned Adrien and suddenly remembered that Marinette had told him not to. Her parents didn't react in any way when Adrien was mentioned and Luka let out a sigh. Then they proceeded talking about video games. Luka was astonished that Mr. Dupain-Cheng knew so much about them. 

"Perhaps you would like to play with me someday, Luka. I think you would do good." He said.

Luka laughed and told him he'd love to.

Just when they were completely comfortable around each other and were talking about Kitty Section's up coming concert, there was a huge crash outside. After a loud, screeching sound, a familiar voice was heard outside, yelling Marinette's name.

"Marinette! Come outside, I have row to pick with you!"

Even though all of them were panicked and scared, Luka was the first one to stand up, defensively. I recognized the voice of Marinette's nemesis and rushed outside. He was followed by Marinette and her parents.

Outside, A super-villain dressed in extremely bright pink skirt and top and a blinding green coat was throwing a tantrum. She had a broken heart tattooed on her face and black tears seemed to be rippling from her eyes. The sight of that villain made Luka flinch but he knew who that person was. He wanted to yell at her to go away, he wanted to scream, "you have troubled Marinette enough, go away!" But he knew dealing with Lila was not going to be easy.

Finally, the villain seemed to notice them.

"I am Dream Crusher, and I am here to crush all your hopes, Marinette! You don't deserve to be happy with anyone! Not Adrien, Not Luka!" She glanced at him in disgust and then continued, "I had sworn to bring doom upon you, Marinette, and I intend to keep my promise, I will make you miserable, and Ladybug and her stupid cat won't be able to stop me!"

Marinette stared at Dream Crusher and muttered, "Lila? Why-"

Dream Crusher let out a snarl and, with the movement of one hand, she threw a car in the Dupain Chengs' direction. They ducked but the car damaged their house. "No!" Marinette yelled.

"Ladybug will mend everything, don't worry darling." Her mother said. Luka could see Marinette's brain ticking. She was Ladybug but she couldn't be at two places at a time. Luka just stared in horror as Dream Crusher threw things in Marinette's direction. He felt utterly helpless without his miraculous. He didn't know what to do.

"And now, Marinette. I present to you my most prized power-" She summoned some sort of white-pink energy and blasted it in Marinette's direction. Marinette ducked and the spot which was hit by that energy was covered in some pink-lava thingy. 

Marinette rushed to her parents who seemed horrified and in that moment of distraction, Dream Crushed threw another energy ball towards her. Without thinking much, like when he had seen Marinette fall of the Eiffel Tower, Luka leaped in front of Marinette and her parents. To his surprise, the blast didn't melt him, it got absorbed into him. But it was painful and Luka yelped. Marinette looked terrified and screamed in agony as she saw Luka's knees buckle. The last thing Luka did was moving his hand in Marinette's direction as if wanting her to hold it. Then, he lost control over his own body.


Oooh, Cliffhanger! BTW, Happy New Year people!! As you can see, I am not following any certain schedule for publishing the chapters. You might get a chapter tomorrow and then the rest after 7th January. I know I said that this story will probably be finished by December but I couldn't do it. But it will be over in January. If you like fantasy and/or romance, or maybe teen drama, do check out the two books I will be starting after this one. One of them, as you might know if you are and old reader, is Mulgarath. You guys are now officially the first one to know the the title of my first romance book which is: CRAZY WORLD. Do check them out, it would mean a lot!

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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