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ajfdajwdlkd soo beautiful! o(*////▽////*)o


Luka was speechless, but his kwami continued.

"Congratulationsss on being sselected asss the holder of the sssnake miraculouss..." Sass' voice was dreamy and slow, and so was Luka's. It had a green-blue bang of scales, and so did Luka. There eyes weren't so different either.

"Wow, I see you are not very different from me, Sass..." Luka said, finally.

"Thank you, massster, Sass iss honored to have a holder who appreciatess him. Now, before you transform, let me tell you about different mussic culturess of different erass. You ssee, the modern insstumentss like harmonica-"

"Harmonica is not a modern music in-" Luka began but he was cut off by Cat Noir.

"Yeah, yeah. Now that both of you have become fur-ends, Sass, tell your master how to transform."

"Yes Sass, tell me." Luka said, while imagining how Ladybug puts up With Cat Noir's puns.

"Itss eassy, masster. Jusst say, Sass, scaless-slither."

Luka's heart began to beat fast, this was hs chance, his chance to become a superhero and find Marinette. "Sass, scales-slither!"

In a few seconds, Cat Noir was looking in awe at this newly formed hero.

"Not bad! Now what should we call you?" Cat Noir asked.


"Paw-some! You see that lyre? You can use it as a weapon, and spread peacefulness and calmness while playing it. You see that bracelet in your hand? You can create a time loop with it. You can go back at the time when you activated it and if you activate it and do not use it, you will transform back within five minutes. In the given five minutes, you can travel through time as many times as required." Cat Noir explained.

"Cool!" Luka said, even his powers were music related.

"You have the biggest paw-er we need: Peace. Now follow me!"

Oh so many puns. But Luka was very glad that he will be working with Cat Noir. He had seen girls fangirl over Cat Noir and he always liked him.

Cat Noir quickly climbed out of the window and slipped out of Liberty. Viperion did the same. After a few minutes, the two heroes were jumping roof to roof. Cat Noir was giving Viperion some training.

-Time skip brought to you by Viperion's lyre-

"Don't you ever feel like telling the world who you really are?" Viperion asked, while the heroes were standing on the roof of a building.

"I don't know about Ladybug, but I don't. If I tell who I am, then this paw-some life would be taken from me. Our identities must remain a secret, for everyone's good."

"Oh, I understand. So you don't know who Ladybug is?"

"I have no idea and I will never force her to reveal her identity."

Viperion began to play his lyre. As Luka, he didn't know how to, but Viperion gave him this ability.

"Wow, so... peaceful. Peace is what I need more than anything right now. With Ladybug gone, I feel lonely." Cat Noir said, "She is the only one around whom I can be myself."

"Not anymore, Cat Noir."

-Time skip brought to you by Cat Noir's staff-

After a few hours, Cat Noir took Luka's miraculous.

"Can't wait to do this again, Cat Noir!" Luka said.

"I hope less sleep isn't a problem for you."

"Its not. Not until Marinette and Ladybug are found!"

So many puns, I know! But I was writing and cat puns kept coming to me, I had to use them... Also, the powers I explained about Viperion's lyre, I don't know if they are actually true or not. I mean, itasa lyre, it can't exactly be used as a weapon, can it be? I just imagined Luka hitting people on heads with it. Nu-uh. And I am sorry if reading Sass' dialogues was tough, but that is exactly how snakes would've spoke. I also wanted to attach a video of Luka's transformation, but I couldn't find one where they DON'T show LB, as she isn't in the story yet. Well, that's it, hope you enjoyed.

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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