Chapter 15 ➛Childish Fears

Start from the beginning

''To protect you,'' he repeated softly. Tears came to my eyes and before I could stop myself, I rushed over to him, throwing my arms around him as I hugged him tightly, feeling my anxiety and fear fading slowly. 

His arms timidly found their way around me as he gently hugged me back, placing his head on my shoulder. ''I thought it was because you didn't want me. Because I'm not good enough,'' I whispered as I retreated and looked at his face. 

''I thought you were going to tell me I'm bad for your reputation,'' I said, my tears of sadness mingling with those of joy. ''You listen to me,'' he said as he looked into my eyes intently. ''I risked my life and that of my followers by going to the damn Ministry to save your arse from Walker,'' he said. ''Don't you ever dare to think you're unwanted, youngling,'' his voice sounded stern but caring. 

Now he laid it out to me it was quite obvious. However, I couldn't help but look at the ground and say, ''I suppose I'm used to not being wanted. My life hasn't exactly been joyful,'' I whispered. ''I've started to wonder if it'll ever stop.''

His eyes slowly glided to the big scar on my cheek and he slowly extended a hand, touching the sensitive skin. At his first touch, I moved away from him as a stinging sensation erupted from the sore wound. But when he looked at me for permittance I closed my eyes and waited for the second touch. 

''I'm glad you came,'' I whispered as I looked up at him. ''It had started to become unbearable. I don't know how much longer I would've been able to survive,'' I muttered as I fixed my gaze on the floor. He gently lifted my chin and looked at me with confident, sympathetic and...caring, eyes. ''She's going to pay for what she's done to you,'' he said. 

I tiredly shook my head and sighed. ''Sometimes I wonder if there's a reason why all this is happening to me.'' Tears came to my eyes as all the disturbing memories from the orphanage and Hogwarts came flooding back to me. 

He stepped forward and hesitantly put his arms around me. He obviously hadn't shown a lot of affection in his life, because he seemed uncertain how to do it. But to me, it was the most wonderful feeling. I finally felt what it was like to be comforted by a parent. Every time I saw parents assuring their kids they loved them, I ached for something similar. 

I hugged him back and closed my eyes as I rested my head against his chest, hearing his heart beating rhythmically. ''I won't let anyone harm you again,'' he said as he retreated and looked into my eyes sincerely. 

 I smiled and realized that we did have a problem. So I stepped away, wiped my eyes and cleared my throat as I beckoned toward the Daily Prophet on the ground. ''What are we going to do about the paper?'' I asked him softly. He sighed and dared a glance at the paper himself. 

''I don't know. I don't want to openly admit it to the world, it'll put you in danger,'' he said as he stared at the Daily Prophet with uncertainty. ''I can protect myself,'' I said softly. He turned to me and shook his head. ''No, it won't be like that. People will send assassins after you. They will do anything to get their hands on you because they know that with you they can get to me,'' he said. 

''No matter if they're rumours or facts people will still come after me,'' I argued. ''And now there's a lot of confusion among your followers, isn't there? So isn't it better to openly admit it than keeping it a secret and risking the loyalty of your followers?'' 

He watched me sceptically. ''You can be really annoying, did you know that?'' I was about to argue further but he cut me off, ''Especially when you're right,'' he said as he sighed. And a grin came to my lips 

He shook his head and slowly went to pick up the paper. ''I'll immediately have people start planning. Make sure you're safe, don't trust anyone you don't know. And be cautious of those you do know. Because, as you said, loyalties can shift,'' he said softly as he glanced at the Daily Prophet in his hand. ''Don't be reckless and, please, don't do anything stupid.'' His concern seemed genuine, although he did seem to have some trouble showing it. 

A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grindelwald X Reader!DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now