chapter twenty one - helping

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▪︎ second person pov ▪︎

alex was a really sensitive kid. though he did manage to outgrow that, he wouldn't forget how hurt he was from what his "friends" said. he was so mad at himself that he almost deleted his youtube channel when he got home from school that day.

thankfully he calmed down before he actually went to delete it, but the words still got to him. he felt down about it for quite a while.

despite his youtube career really taking off, his parents wanted him to have higher education once he finished high school. because of this incident, alexis decided that he was going to try his hardest to get into a law school.

he wished there would've been someone to stick up for him back then, and he decided for himself that he would be the person to stick up for those who needed it.

if for whatever reason, youtube and twitch stopped being relevant platforms or to have as a main job with streaming on the side, alex chose that he wanted to become a lawyer or attorney. he wanted to be able to give a voice for those who can't defend themselves. he wanted to help those affected by abuse, trauma, or accidents be able to speak up in court against those who had caused them pain.

he just wants to help people. he always wants to help people. that's why he helped you. not only because he saw that you were alone, but also because he knew what it was like to be alone. he wouldn't wish it upon anybody. anybody except for sam and abby, and anyone else who harassed you. they needed to see what it was like themselves.

"i wish that you could see what it feels like to be hated by people when you don't deserve it. i mean, you have a start because i hate you, but you deserve it," alex said to abby.

"says the minecraft youtuber," abby rebutted.

"says the bitch," alex fired back.

abby rolled her eyes.

"unlike you, i have people to get to right now, and unlike (y/n), they aren't stupid," abby told alex.

she walked off and alex sighed.

"they must be stupid if they're hanging out with her," he muttered under his breath.

the boy walked home, once he got there, he took off his hoodie, revealing is "habibi means beautiful" shirt.

he then unlocked his phone and opened twitter.

no stream tonight guys, sorry! i've just been busy with life, but i promise i'l stream tomorrow, he tweeted.

he closed the app, then opened discord to message you:

quackity: hi!

you: what's up?

quackity: just checking up on you to make sure you're okay.

he's done this every day since the two of you exchanged discord pins.

you: i'm okay

you: still upset about mr. cook though

quackity: aw

quackity: at least you got habibi back

quackity: and we're almost halfway done with the school year

quackity: which means we're almost halfway done with mr. cook

you: thank jah

you: he looks like a rat

you: and i bet he has at least one std

quackity: naw

quackity: he can't have an std

quackity: it's like a reverse magnet

quackity: instead of attracting people

quackity: he repels them

quackity: hey

quackity: wanna play some minecraft?

quackity: i'm sure that'll cheer you up

quackity: we can build a shrine for dr. phil 🤪😏😃🤔😇🤑🥰

you: i'd love that a lot :)

quackity: i love you a lot :)

the two of you started a call to plan the building of the church of phillip mcgraw.

this was the first time you were truly happy in almost two weeks.

a/n: managed to actually triple update tonight! but now it's 12:50 am and my first call for school starts at 7:55 am tomortow and i'm tired as hell. however, i hope you all have enjoyed the newest chapters. ilysm!!! ^-^

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