chapter four - beautiful

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▪︎ y/n's pov ▪︎

the next day, in history class, we had an activity where we needed to find a partner and analyze some historical documents. i approached a boy named robert [sorry if you share the same name haha] to see if he would partner up with me, but all he did was laugh in response.

"why would i partner up with you?" he asked rhetorically. "you're actually really fucking annoying and nobody here likes you. plus, i know i'm gonna fail if i'm partnered with your dumbass," he sighed.

tears threatened to sting my eyes, but then you heard someone say "shut the fuck up robert!" i looked to see that alex had stood in front of me, protecting me from robert.

during the discussion at the nurse's office yesterday, i found out that alex actually shared most of my classes with me. we just didn't know because we didn't know each other before the incident.

after some arguing with robert, alex turned to me. "come on buckaroo, let's be partners," he offered, smiling at you while his brown eyes shined. i felt like i would melt from adorableness when i looked at him.

i quietly nodded, and the two of us found a spot on the classroom floor where we could sit down and work.

"that guy's such an asshole," alex hissed, irritated about how robert had treated me. "he was right though," i whimpered, my lip starting to quiver.

"no he wasn't," alex gently retorted. "but i am a burden," i argued back, "i mean yesterday i burdened you and-" alex cut me off, "listen, you didn't burden me yesterday (y/n), i wanted to help you. i'm glad i helped you because i made a new friend who's kind, and smart, and loving, and an amazing person."

"you are worthy, habibi," he reassured, patting my back. i smiled. "what does habibi mean?" i asked curiously. alex was silent for a moment before finally answering, "it means beautiful."

"it's gonna be okay" - quackity x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora