chapter twenty four - snow day

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• second person pov •

when you had gotten home from school, you excitedly told your mother about what happened in geometry, and she was proud of you.

you had gotten a snack and a drink from the fridge, and headed to your room. the only homework was to "study for semester exams," but that was worthless because you always pass the exams without studying.

you lied down in your bed watching random youtube videos for a while, when alex had messaged you on discord.

quackity: (y/n)! guess what?

you: you won minecraft hunger games?

quackity: not yet

you: oh yeah that'd never happen

quackity: :(

quackity: but

quackity: my mom just got an email

quackity: tomorrow is a snow day!

quackity: NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

you: deadass??

quackity: are howie mandel and pitbill bald?

you let out a happy shriek, and your mother rushed into your room, concerned.

"is everything okay?!" she asked.

"everything's great actually," you replied, "because tomorrow's a snow day!"

your mom hugged you out of excitement, she was happy for you too as snow was uncommon in your area.

"can i have my boyfriend over tomorrow?" you asked. "i would like for you to finally meet him."

"i would love that," she smiled.

you messaged alex on discord.

you: hey, do you wanna come over tomorrow and meet my mom?

quackity: my mom said i can!!!!

you let out another shriek of happiness, though this time making sure it was quieter than the last.

you and alex then called, playing toontown and talking about how excited you all were for tomorrow, and all of the stuff the two of you wanted to do together.

the next day, you woke up early out of excitement. when you looked out the window, you saw snow covering the ground like a blanket, and more snow slowly falling down. it was quite a beautiful sight.

you got ready for the day, and afterwards, you heard a knock on the door. you opened it to see alex smiling and blushing, wearing a puffy parka, fuzzy boots, and a knitted duck hat with matching mittens.

"ALEX!!!!" you yelled out of happiness. alexis embraced you in a bear hug, and the two of you stayed like that for a bit before your mom came over to greet him.

after some small talk, the two of you went to go play outside in the snow. throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and even building a snow howie mandel.

when you and alexis went back inside, your mother had hot cocoa with homemade cookies waiting for the two of you. you all sat down at the table as alex talked about himself and his youtube career, and your mom talked about her life and you.

afterwards, you and your boyfriend went to the living room to watch norm of the north and laugh at how absolutely awful it was, and then played just dance on the switch.

eventually, it got dark and alex had to leave. before he went out the door, the two of you shared a hug for quite a while. you were sad to see him leave, and so was your mom.

when alex left, your mom wanted to talk to you. you were worried until you heard what she said.

"(y/n)," she started, "alexis is so sweet to you."

"i know how hard it's been in your life with how long and how often you've been bullied, but i'm so glad you have someone at school now who supports you and sees you for who you truly are: a kind, caring, and empathetic heart."

"he's a keeper."

a/n: HOW DOES THIS STORY HAVE OVER 60,000 READS WHAT?!?!?! it is so amazing to see how many people read this story, and all of the positive comments that are left on here make my entire day!!! i apologize for not being active on updates, but summer vacation is coming which means more updates! i love you all so much, and your support means the world to me <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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