chapter fifteen - always

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▪︎ second person pov ▪︎

the next day, you felt sick to your stomach. you knew that alex was going to be at school, and you didn't want to face him.

your body was shaking from nervousness and you felt sick to your stomach. you didn't even eat breakfast or pack a lunch due to how nervous you felt.

today was gonna be fun.

when you were on the bus, you had noticed that alexis hadn't texted you at all. the last time he did was yesterday when he asked you how your day was.

all that went through your mind was how mad he was going to be at you when he found out what happened and how he would hate you. it hurt.

eventually, the bus dropped you off at school and the warning bell rang. you reluctantly walked to geometry class, butterflies in your stomach.

when you got there, you sat at your usual seat and buried your head in your arms. what felt like hours later, you felt a light tap on your back and a gentle voice say, "mi amor?"


"everything okay?" alexis asked. you felt your eyes start to water. you didn't want to look at him because you knew that if you did, you'd break out into tears. however, you knew that you had to lift your head so you did, but avoided eye contact with alex.

one thing to remember about alex though is that he's patient. he wasn't going to force you to talk to him or tell you what was bothering him, he was going to wait by your side until you were ready, and that's exactly what he did.

when the class ended, it was time for english. this was the class you had especially been dreading all day. alex had walked with you to that class despite the fact that you wouldn't look at or speak to him.

sam and abby had been strangely quiet for the entire class period. either that or your thoughts had been so overwhelming that you couldn't focus on the world around you. you didn't remember what happened in class, your mind was too focused on your thoughts.

then history came along, and alex was still by your side. you felt horrible. you gathered the last of your mental strength to keep yourself together during the almost hour long class period. the last thing you wanted was to be yelled at by mr. cook, or as alex likes to call him, mr. virgin.

today was just another lecture day, thankfully. if you had to do partner work, it probably would've resulted in you crying in front of the entire class again.

then, it was time for lunch, and alex was still faithfully by your side. it was silent. alex had started to unzip his lunchbox until he had looked over at you.

"(y/n)," he asked in a soft voice, "where's your lunch?"

you couldn't speak.

"(y/n)?" he tried to get you to talk, looking at you.

when he looked at you, you instantly averted your eyes away from him.

"(y/n), i don't wanna pressure you," alex explained, "but you can tell me anything. i'll try my best to fix it."

he waited for a few moments.

"what's wrong?" he finally questioned.

you looked into his chocolate brown eyes, and tried to speak, but all you could let out was a whimper. you hadn't noticed all the tears that were starting to stream from your face.

"aww no habibi," alex instantly scooped you in his arms. "its okay, i've got you, just try to breathe," alex coached. you couldn't catch your breath.

"it's gonna be okay" - quackity x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora