chapter eight - the call

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▪︎ y/n's pov ▪︎

when i had gotten home from school, my mom had yelled at me. i luckily didn't get anything taken away, but the yelling only made me feel worse as i'm really sensitive. i didn't want to explain what had happened to her, she'd probably think i was lying and i didn't want to cry in front of her. i hate crying in front of people. well, alex is the exception.

there was something about alex that was really comforting to me. maybe it's the sound of his voice or how he holds me, but having him around really has helped me a lot. when my mom sent me out of the living room, i went to my room to message alex on discord.

me: i need someone to talk to

quackity: go ahead

me: my mom just yelled at me for what happened in history and now i wanna cry haha

quackity: aww

quackity: mr. cook is a virgin, the next time he ever says shit to you, obama and i will deal with it

i smiled to myself.

quackity: he looks like johnny test but a fifty year old walmart version of him lmao

me: i hate how right that is

quackity: you wanna play toontown rewritten with me? it might help take your mind off things.

me: sure, wanna call?

quackity: sure habibi

i then got a notification that alex wanted to video call me, i accepted.

"habibi!" alex exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. i blushed. "hi alex!" i greeted. the call was amazing. we had a debate on whether or not woody was better than buzz in toy story. alex and i ran around doing a bunch of stupid stuff on toontown. he got recognized on there a few times, but i didn't mind, it was nice to see his fans.

i then brought up the slideshow that i had to present in english with samantha and abby the next day. i felt sick to my stomach just thinking about it, and i think alex could tell.

"i could get a pass from my english teacher so i could go to your class and watch the presentation," the black haired boy proposed. "you know, offer some moral support," he said in a cute joking tone as he took his beanie off to ruffle his hair before quickly placing it back on his head.

"are you sure your teacher will let you do that?" i asked concerned. "yeah she will, mrs. davis is really chill," alex responded. "by the way," alex added, "if those girls do anything to you tomorrow during the presentation, they're gonna hear it. nobody hurts my buckaroo."

i smiled and wiped a happy tear from my cheek. "thank you alex," i said as i almost cried from happiness. i had never had anyone be that nice to be before. "of course, it's no problem," alex smiled.

the two of us said goodbye and left the call as it was getting late. i took a bath and put on my pajamas to get ready for bed. there were fifteen minutes left before my bedtime, so i decided to message alex.

me: i'm nervous about presenting tomorrow

quackity: aw

quackity: everything's gonna be alright i promise

quackity: i'm gonna be there for you

quackity: i'll protect you

me: you're the best alex, i don't deserve you

quackity: no, you do deserve me

quackity: you're an amazing person and you don't deserve the bullshit that people like sam and abby put you through

i looked at the clock, it was time for me to go to bed.

me: it's 10, i have to go to bed now

quackity: i'll see you at school tomorrow

quackity: and don't stress, i promise that you'll be alright

quackity: and i'll do everything i can to keep that promise

quackity: goodnight (y/n), i love you <3

me: i love you too <3

&quot;it's gonna be okay&quot; - quackity x reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat