𝟐.𝟏𝟖 - 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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The rest of Christmas break was more or less uneventful and by the time you and Draco boarded the Hogwarts Express on January sixth, you were itching to feel the cold flagstone floors of the castle underneath your feet, even if that meant exposing yourself to Umbridge's harsh punishments once more.

The entire way you found yourself fumbling with the chain of your necklace, slipping it out from under your uniform to admire it in the light. You hadn't taken it off since Draco gave it to you on Christmas Eve. Every once in a while he would catch you playing with it and snicker to himself with pride.

When you reunited with Pansy in the corridor on your way back to the common room, she complimented it profusely. "I heard Draco talking with Blaise on the train," she teased, prodding your side with a wicked smile. "He says that you two kissed at the party."

"Did he?" You raised your eyebrow and smiled back just as playfully. "That's interesting."

The corridor had all but cleared out, leaving just a few other Slytherins besides yourself and Pansy. It was near curfew when you arrived back at the castle and not many others were keen on staying up late the night before classes started up again.

She stopped dead in her tracks and stomped her right shoe against the floor. "Are you kidding me?" she snapped. "It took so long to learn the charm that grew that mistletoe. The least you can do is acknowledge my hard work!"

You wheeled around to face her. "That was you?"

She scoffed and hopped on the balls of her feet, not meeting your eyes. "Well, duh. Did you think it just coincidentally started growing right above your head?"

Stopping in front of the dungeon staircase, you readjusted the strap of your bag. "What'd you do that for, anyway? I sort of thought you were interested in Draco." At least, she had been anyway. 

 You remembered her at the Yule Ball last year and how excited she had been when Draco asked her to be his date. Even though the night ended up in somewhat of a disaster, she still looked back on it fondly from time to time.

A confused look etched itself onto her face and she screwed up her nose. "You think I still like Malfoy?" She shook her head. "Been there, done that. Right now I have my eyes on a Mr. Theodore Nott."

You knew Theodore Nott. The two of you had Divination together and sometimes he would ask you for help reading his crystal ball, all while mumbling hotly under his breath about the 'stupid mudbloods' that you shared the class with. 

 He and his family had also been at the Malfoy's party, not that you dared to approach them. The Notts were dedicated supporters of Voldemort and Theodore himself is a massive pure-blood supremacist. He and Draco got along nicely, surprise surprise.

Pansy jumped down the first two steps of the staircase and looked back up at you. "Well, aren't you coming?"

You weren't as tired from travelling as you thought you would be and unpacking your trunk didn't sound half as inviting. "Nah," you said, stepping back to look further down the corridor. "I have to take care of something really quick. I'll meet you inside."

Practicing your defensive magic had been nearly impossible at the Malfoy Manor with Death Eaters breathing down your neck. Maybe you could get a few hours of practice in tonight before the next DA meeting. 

That was, if you had the courage to even show up. 

 Pansy only shrugged and continued down the steps. After she disappeared down the twisted staircase, you continued down the darkened hallway until the doors to the Room of Requirement materialized out of the wall. You looked both ways before pushing one of them open a crack and slipping inside.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin