𝟐.𝟑 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜

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 The air in the subway was stale and smelt strangely of burnt rubber. Muggles swarmed all around you, on their way to work and school. Businessmen carrying big black briefcases stretched as far as the eye could see. They mumbled into mobile phones and to each other in low voices.

Beside you was Harry and a few feet ahead walked Mr. Weasley. It took some convincing to get him to let you come with him to the hearing at the Ministry but you argued that you could use the Owlery there to send word back to your parents. Partly so they wouldn't send an army of Death Eaters after you, partly because you were starting to feel extremely guilty for running off. 

The crowds nearly cleared as you reached the stairs back up to the sidewalk. You and Harry collected the strange looks that the muggles were throwing toward Mr. Weasley. It was amusing to see him so excited about non-magical technology but his admiration for escalators was definitely put a target on your backs.

Harry was dressed in a worn tan jacket, borrowed from the coat closet back at headquarters. His hair was combed back neatly, a look that you thought suited him. His strapping appearance didn't make up for his nervous expression, however, and you caught him wringing his hands on two separate occasions during the train ride.

You had dressed up as well, not wanting to stand out against him and Mr. Weasley. Thankfully, you had packed a nicer outfit in your bag before leaving home. Your boots thumped loudly against the cement as you walked. While you bothered to bring formal wear, you hadn't put the same thought into packing heels. This was both a blessing and a curse.

The wind outside was cold. The chill in the air grew more intense every day as autumn approached. You weren't as bothered by it. Autumn meant school, school meant Hogwarts, Hogwarts meant that you were safely away from your family. At least for a little while. For a split second you regretted not bringing a jacket like Harry had done.

The streets were empty except for a mailman busy doing his rounds by bicycle. You waved politely as he passed, waiting until he had turned the corner before collectively approaching the bright red telephone booth on the sidewalk.

"Here we are," Mr. Weasley said as he pried open the folding door. "Never used the visitor's entrance before. Should be fun."

One by one, you began to pile inside of the small space. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as Harry's hand brushed against the small of your back. Not wanting to make the situation any more awkward, you only stared down at your hands.

Mr. Weasley fumbled for a moment, digging into his pockets and producing a small pile of muggle coins. He put four of them into the rounded coin slot and a moment later the booth closed and began descending into the ground. You immediately reached out for Harry's arm to balance yourself as it grew dark inside of the booth. 

After a few minutes, the bell inside of the booth chimed and the door opened once more. Mr. Weasley stepped out first, then you, then Harry. On the other side of the door was a magnificently large room with extraordinarily tall rounded ceilings. Emerald green tiles covered every square inch of surface and large golden fountains decorated the floor.

There were magical-folk everywhere, going about their business in droves. Suddenly submerged into the endless ocean of people, you clung to Harry's arm even as the both of you exited the telephone booth and began following after Mr. Wealsey who traversed effortlessly through the crowds.

The elevator at the end of the room was just as crowded as the telephone booth. The only difference was that it was three times as large, holding twice as many people. Harry didn't object to your sudden clinginess and you hoped it was just as much of a comfort to him as it was to you in the unfamiliar space.

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