𝟏.𝟏𝟎 - 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞'𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐳

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  In the wake of the Yule Ball announcement, McGonagall took aside a group of both Gryffindors and Slytherins after the final class of the day. In your case, that was Potions. 

 She gathered you all in a dusty, unused event hall, dividing you up by gender. Boys were seated on the left side of the room and girls to the right. You found Hermione right away, taking a seat next to her and listening closely as Professor McGonagall addressed the lot of you. She was, after all, your favorite teacher.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception," Her voice echoed off of the high walls. "On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity." She turned back to watch Mr. Filch toy with an ancient-looking device that somewhat resembled a modern-day record-player. "As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance."

Chatter rose on the girl's side. You and Hermione shot each other a knowing look. The boys, however, were obviously less than pleased as they all slumped back in their seats and groaned loudly. Professor McGonagall paid them no mind, continuing her speech directed solely toward the right side of the room. "Inside every girl, a swan slumbers, bursting to break free and take flight."

She then fluttered around and spoke to the boys. "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley!"

Ron jolted, terror present in his tired blue eyes. "Yes, Professor?"

"Will you join me please?"

He looked mortified as he nodded, rising from his seat to join her in the middle of the room. A string of conversation rose amongst the boys and you nudged Hermione on the arm. She giggled from beneath her hand, watching Ron fumble his footsteps.

"Place your hand on my waist," McGonagall instructed the poor boy, raising her arms to sit atop his shoulders. His eyes all but bugged out of his skull as he took a step back, avoiding her eyes. 


You clutched Hermione's arm tightly, the both of you doing your best not to burst out laughing and cost your respective houses a large, if not moderate, point deduction.

"Mr. Filch if you please?"

Mr. Filch held his cat, Mrs. Norris, in one hand. With the other, he moved the needle of the odd contraption onto a vinyl record and a soft waltz began to play. You watched as Professor McGonagall struggled to demonstrate proper waltzing behavior with Ron, your body swaying back and forth in the music. Eventually, you found yourself mouthing along with her as she repeated her mantra of 'one two three, one two three, one two three' in an attempt to create a pattern with their awkward movements.

"Everyone join together!" She called out, releasing Ron who backed away instantly like a wounded animal. The girls' side rose immediately from their seats and began seeking out partners. Seeing the boys hesitant to stand, she scolded them. "Boys, on your feet!"

You were still seated, fixing your uniform knee-high socks that had fallen to your ankles when a hand suddenly shot out and obstructed your vision. Your gaze slowly rose upwards to see Neville Longbottom standing before you. His hand was outstretched and shaking midair. He gulped slowly as you studied him.

"Would you, uh, I mean--did you want to maybe dance...with...me?" He asked, voice almost as jittery as his demeanor. 

Your heart melted as you nodded, taking the sweet boy's hand and letting him guide you to the middle of the room. As he did, you came to realize that he was the only one of the boys who had stood up to find a partner. It made you feel even more flattered to see that he had sought you out personally.

The music progressed and Neville put his hands respectfully on your waist, smiling nervously as you reached up and rested your hand on his shoulder. Your free hands intertwined and the two of you began to glide, awkwardly at first, around the hall. Neville's steps were short and calculated and you were impressed, assuming this was his first-time ballroom dancing.

You could tell that he was enjoying himself even though the majority of the time he had been watching his feet. Every once in a while he would look up and present you with an antsy smile. "You're quite good," you complimented and his head snapped up.

"You think so?" He asked bashfully and straightened his shoulders in an attempt to impress you further. 

 You were about to say something along the lines of 'I know so' when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Neville gulped and backed away, releasing his hands from you.

Spinning around, you saw Draco standing there with a self-satisfied grin. "Mind if I cut in?"

Opening your mouth to speak, you then closed it and looked down at his hand with faint disgust. "I already have a partner, as you can see."

He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, looking past you. "Oh you don't mind, do you, Longbottom?"

You glared up at Draco as Neville stuttered from behind you, the sad tone in his voice stabbing you right in the heart. "N-No, not at all."

"See (Y/N)? Longbottom doesn't mind," Draco let his outstretched hand fall between you and gestured with his eyes for you to take it. You hesitated for a moment before slipping your smaller hand into his. Like a bear trap, his hand closed around yours and swept you up immediately into a fast waltz.

Unlike Neville, Draco was obviously very skilled in the art of ballroom dance. He clutched your waist with strong confidence that hadn't been present during Neville's dance. His grip was also somehow tighter and warmer against your side, although you were probably mistaking it with the red hot blush tinting the tip of your ears and nose. You found yourself getting lost in the dance, picturing the room around you as a well-decorated ballroom and yourself in a long flowing gown.

"I've been taking ballroom dance lessons since I could walk," Draco bragged as the dance progressed into a flurry. You rolled your eyes, annoyed that he had pulled you from what had been a lovely little fantasy. 

"That's not something I would boast about," you hummed, pausing so he could lift you high up into the air before bringing you back down. "But for the record, so have I."

His eyes twinkled with a never before seen sense of happiness as he chuckled, meeting your gaze with no intention of looking away for the rest of the lesson. "We're more alike than you think, Firethorn."

He surprised you suddenly with a spin, raising your intertwined hands high above your head so you could circle below them. You giggled as he brought you back close to your chest. "Who said I ever thought otherwise?"

Draco held you close and slowed the dance into a few simple steps so he could watch you underneath his steely gaze. "How do you make me feel this way?" He whispered in your ear.

Before you could come up with a witty reply to his somewhat confession, McGonagall swept up behind you and patted both of you on the shoulder. "Brilliant job, Ms. Firethorn, Mr. Malfoy. I expect to see you dancing like this at the ball."

McGonagall turned to the rest of the class and for the first time, you realized that an audience had gathered in a wide circle around you and Draco. Your face flushed as you broke away from his hold. "I-um.."

"Class dismissed!"

Draco's eyes glazed back over and something told you he was no longer the boy you had just been dancing with. Still, he nodded for you to continue. Sighing, you patted down the front of your uniform. "I'll see you in the common room later, Draco."

You could feel his eyes follow you as you gathered your things and left through the door, still standing in the spot he had been in when your dance was cut short. 

 (A/N: This is where shit starts getting REAL. I love Draco with my whole heart but I suck ass at writing for him because his character is so complex, I feel like I can't capture it completely. Anyway, I tried. OOC Draco is just as good, if not better for the context).

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