𝟏.𝟏𝟒 - 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞

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Waves of homesickness washed over you as you wandered down one of the seemingly infinite Hogwarts corridors. It was the first Christmas holiday that you would be spending away from family since you were born and the letters from your parents were doing little to comfort you.

That morning you had pulled a trunk out from under your bed and sifted around in it before finding the Christmas presents you had prepared for all of your friends throughout the year. They were personalized and took lots of time to perfect. You beamed with pride as you presented them to everyone.

For Hermione, a book on the history of Ilvermorny because she had been so interested in your past. For Ron, two boxes of Peppermint Toads. You hadn't been able to track down the twins at first but when you did, you proudly presented them with their gift; a two-pound crate of muggle firecrackers. You thought they'd be upset with you at first for not staying true to your promise of not doing each other any more favors. But thankfully, their mock-disappointment washed away quickly and they nearly toppled you in a group hug.

Harry's gift took the most time to prepare. It was a framed picture of you and him at the Yule Ball just a few weeks ago. The picture moved in the frame and you watched the both of you dance for a moment, Harry raising his arm above your head to spin you underneath it. The miniature version of you in the picture laughed and tilted her head back. It was a nice picture and an even nicer memory. Good thing you had two copies made. 

 Still feeling awkward about the night before, you had asked Hermione to present it to him for you. She agreed, having heard what had happened between you.

After that, you had to chase Goyle down the third-floor corridor to convince him to give Draco his present on your behalf. His gift was a thick handmade bracelet with the Slytherin colors woven in with embroidery string. You had been working on it every day since October, filling your study periods with constant weaving. You had even gotten it taken away from you by Snape at one point but after some heavy convincing, he agreed that you could have it back only if you stopped working on it during class.

You didn't know how long you would be able to keep up your act of avoiding the two boys. Something inside of you wanted to forgive them both right away but another, stronger, part of you knew that they needed to face the consequences for their actions. 

 Currently, you were using the last of your off-time from classes to get a better feel for the castle. Hermione had made you a map at one point but you lost it almost immediately. Out of guilt, you were reluctant about asking for another.

It was around midday and you were trying to find your way back to the Great Hall for lunch when suddenly you turned the corner and came face to face with Professor McGonagall. You both jumped back and you began laughing nervously. 

 "Sorry about that, Professor!" You apologized as you excused yourself to continue down the hallway.

"That's quite alright, Ms. Firethorn," she said, though she was still clutching at her heart with one hand. "More than alright. As a matter of fact, would you mind coming with me to my office? There's an important matter I wish to discuss with you in private."

Your face paled significantly and your fingers twitched at your sides. "What kind of matter?" You asked, finding your mouth suddenly quite dry. Your thoughts drifted immediately to Draco and how worked up he had been upon finding out the real reason behind your move from the US. Had he been so mad that he told the headmaster? Were you about to be expelled, or worse, thrown into wizard prison?

The entire walk to her office was silent aside from the clicking of your dress shoes against the stone floor. It was like McGonagall floated wherever she walked, her feet never making a single sound as you continued down the corridor side by side. It was eerie in a way.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now