Ch 28

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Draco POV
I was lying awake in the my bed, I couldn't sleep. My body just won't let me sleep so I was staring out the window. I had gotten a few owls from my dad. They just all said, don't do anything like that again idiot" or whatever. Referring to when I tried to kill myself, which I should have died.

Pansy: dray cmon close tour eyes

Blaise: try to sleep mate
I shook my head not even wanting to look at them. I heard them sigh and I'm guessing fall back asleep. All I did was stare letting myself mind wander.

I wanted to, I don't know what I wanted to do. So I laid there as usual.

Hey guys crappy chapter week is back! You are going to get the worst chapters in the history of crappy chapters! I love you all bye!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now