Ch 12

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Harry POV
I woke up in the middle of the night and just felt awful. I honestly thought that this whole headache thing would be over but apparently not. I grabbed the trash can and immediately threw up.

Harry: why the fuck is this happening too me?
I mumbled not wanting to wake up anyone in here. I laid back down against the bed feeling sleep take over. I drifted into another restless sleep.

In dream
I woke up again this time at a meeting I was looking over people. Millions of people I definitely don't know. There was one sitting at the very end I knew him. Voldemort. I saw a blonde guy with long hair sobbing and pleading.

Voldemort: Narcissa Malfoy is dead. And I will kill every angle one of you if anyone disobeys me!
He yelled at them all there eyes went to narcissa and Lucius on the floor.

Narcissa malfoy!? Omg that's dracos mom!!!
I thought in disbelief at the thought of this I felt awful now. But before I could do anything I was being shaken awake.

Out of dream
Madam Pomfrey: POTTER!!!
I jolted awake she was staring at me with a look of fear in her eyes.

Harry: yes?
I said feeling confused on why she woke me up feeling bad again.

Madam Pomfrey: you were kicking and screaming in your sleep. Your friends ran too me the minute they heard you.

Harry: oh.....
I said looking at hermione and Ron with worried expressions on there faces.

Ron: are you okay mate?
He asked and for the the first time it sounded like he was actually worried. I just nodded not getting my mind of the fact of dracos mom.

Madam Pomfrey: well mr Potter you can leave if you're feeling up too it.
I just nodded and told her I needed a minute before I left. She nodded and her and my friends left.

10 minutes later
Harry: I think I'm ready to leave
I called too her she yelled back okay and I left and went to my common room. I took a shower then got my stuff and went to breakfast. As I was walking to breakfast I saw my friends just about to enter.

Hat try: Hey guys!!
I yelled up too then they turned around and Hermione's ran and hugged me.

Hermione: Harry were so happy your okay!!
She yelled at me Ron patted me on the shoulder.

Ron: happy to have you back mate
I smiled and laughed at that feeling great full for them. We started walking and talking until we were at the door of the great hall. We bumped into someone well I did.

Ron: cmon malfoy don't you know how too walk
Ron hissed at him I didn't say anything I just looked at him. He didn't reply and just walked on into the room. Something was wrong It was like I could tell. Hermione seemed to sense something was wrong too. We continued to walk in Ron ranting about malfoy.

Ron: he is such a freakin stupid git I bet his parents even hate him
He said finally my anger was rising like really bad i had gripped my fork. Ron seemed to finally come back he looked at me weirdly.

Ron: you okay?
He asked finally seeming to sense something was wrong here. Hermione didn't say anything until Ron has caught of with Fred and George after lunch.

Hermione: Harry you have to break up with Ginny now.
She whispered in a serious tone under her breath. I just nodded already knowing what I had to do. I jumped when Ginny came over too me.

Ginny: Harry can we talk?
She asked timidly it was like she was really nervous about it.

Harry: of course come on.
I said and brought her into a closet she looked really sad.

Harry: so what did you-

Ginny: this isn't working.
I jumped when she cut me off I looked at her in shock.

Harry: what did you-

Ginny: Harry-I-I'm
She broke off and started crying I wrapped my arms around her. She cried into my shoulder for awhile until she finally calmed down.

Harry: it's okay Ginny I understand

Ginny: Harry I'm lesbian
She finally said I stood in shock but I was extremely happy for her.

Harry: Ginny that's amazing
I said she looked at me in shock at first but then gave me a watery smile.

Ginny: thanks but....I'm scared for how my parents will react.
I frowned I hadn't known that the Weasley were homophobic.

Ginny: there not homophobic I'm just scared
She whispered I smiled at her and she smiled at me and gave me one last kiss and hug.

Ginny: let's stay best friends!
She said happily I laughed and nodded feeling extremely happy.

At lunch
Ron: omg I'm starving
Ron yelled and practically ran into the great hall. Me and Hermione just laughed and followed him. As we sat down my eyes couldn't help but go too the Slytherin table. I frowned when I didn't see draco there.

Harry: I'm going to go to the bathroom
I said Ron was too busy eating and Hermione's head was in a book. I got up and walked into the bathroom.

Harry: Malfoy!!
I called when I entered I checked the stalls but I didn't hear anything. I finally checked the last stall and there was still nothing. I finally walked out after checking. I didn't see anything but I decided to look near the Slytherin room.

Harry: Malfoy....
I whispered incase someone was around here and wondering why I was looking for him. I kept checking for awhile but I couldn't find him. As I walked back to the great hall I saw Ginny with Luna and they were snogging. I quietly walked away.

I felt disappointed at the fact I couldn't find him. I was almost at the great hall when I heard something. I followed the sound too the other boys bathroom.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I definetly enjoyed writing it!! Love you guys bye!!

Words: 1,027

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now