Ch 27 the dreams start again

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Harry POV
I felt like my heart just shattered into a million pieces. I grabbed draco by his arms and pulled him in for a hug. I held him close for awhile until he had to leave with pansy and Blaise.

Draco: I'm sorry love
He said and walked out the door pansy and Blaise following. I sat on my bed with Ron and hermione.

Ron: he can't be here next year either?

Harry: nope

Hermione: we have to help them

Ron: how?
He said looking up and staring at Hermione for a long time.

Hermione: well have to figure something out

Harry: let's just go to bed

Ron: yeah we'll talk about it in the morning......tomorrow's Saturday anyway

Hermione nodded and left the room I fell into my bed and started to fall asleep.

In the dream
I fell back into the void of blackness once again. I hadn't been here for awhile so I was confused. I heard voices again which wasn't unusual. I walked towards it and the voices sounded very familiar.

??: I have to do this! He'll be free if I do

???: that is bullshit just send him with snape! He'll be fine there

??: that's the first place Voldemort would look

???: well you can't just leave him on the streets idiot! My sister wouldn't want that for her son!

??: Bella I get your angry but I don't have another option

Bellatrix: bullshit Lucius! You always have another option you can't leave draco in the streets!

Lucius: cmon Bella you can't keep him, I can't keep him, narcissa is......d-dead we can't send him to snape!

I heard Bellatrix say something but I didn't know what it was. I woke up in cold sweat once again I looked at Ron who was by my side.

Ron: you were screamin mate you alright?

Harry: something's wrong really wrong

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love ya bye!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now