Ch 20 friends!?!?!?!

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Harry POV
I felt myself start to open my eyes I felt really tired. My head was pounding and I smelled like shit. I looked around and saw I was in the hospital again like seriously. I heard voices after a minute yelling something. Heard the curtains shuffle and madam Pomfrey walk in.

Madam pomfrey: thank god tour awake mr potter

Harry: what happened?
I asked slightly sitting up and looking around once again.

Madam pomfrey: mr Potter you fell off the astronomy tower
She said then it all came back to me draco, falling, together, holding hands. I felt my eyes go wide as she stared at me.

Madam pomfrey: Pot-

Harry: where is draco!?
I said cutting her off really fast getting worried very worried. She walked over with something while I was freaking out.

Harry: what are you doing!?
I said practically yelling into thin air feeling panic and anger rising. She was holding a needle and then yelled for Dumbledore and snape.

They walked in and held me down while she walked over. Guilt all over her face as she put the needle in my neck.

A few hours later
I woke up once again remembering and feeling very angry. I saw someone sitting in the bed next to mine sleeping. I felt my anger fade away when I realized it was draco.

Ron: mate your okay!
I heard Ron yell as he ran over and hugged me tightly. I felt like my ribs were cracking as he hugged me. Hermione came in and pulled him off of me.

Hermione: Ron you could of really hurt him
Ron our his head down with guilt while I hugged him lightly.

Harry: it's alright mate

Ron: so why did malfoy push you off the astronomy tower?
I jumped and stared in shock as he thought that was what had happened.

Harry: that's not what happened at all
Ron stared at me weirdly but hermione seemed to of understood. She gave me a sad smile but then her eyes went to my wrist.

I glanced down and saw all the scars on my arms. I looked back up at hermione who was crying now.

Ron: mate we could of helped you....why?
He said seeming to not want to talk about malfoy again. I put my head down and felt bad about doing it.

Hermione: are you gonna stop?

Harry: I've been trying but it's hard you know
I said finally feeling like I can talk to them about this stuff now.

Ron: Harry does malfoy cut bc of something else and not for attention?
I looked up at him immediately and looked at malfoy.

Harry: aren't you just gonna day it to the school
I said with more annoyance in my voice trying to sound tough. He shook his head really fast.

Ron: of course not
He said fast and hermione put her head in her hands.

Ron: Harry me and Hermione's kind of befriended pansy and Blaise
He blurted out I felt myself start to slightly smile at him.

Harry: that's great guys
Ron smiled at me then looked up and waved slightly. I glanced over and saw malfoy looking at Ron and waving back.


Hey guys I'm back people finally I know hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you guys bye!!

When both are broken a draco x Harry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now