Wilted Rose- Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys I’m back and adding yet another story... don't worry i do have another chapter for Lost.===================================================

I just lay there, my forehead against the cool stone as I tried to make my breathing soft as the grass I lay on. I ran my fingers up and over the engravings on the large marble piece and into the newly mounted dirt below. Thunder sounded and a torrent of God’s tears fell masking my own. I turned my small, face burying it in the wet grass, pretending it was my mother’s hair and the howling of the wind was my father’s laugh. 

I don’t know how long I lay there cold and crying, but eventually shouts disturbed the slumber of the dead and I willed them away. The sloshing of shoes across wet grass caused me to squint my eyes and try to bury myself further into my mother’s embrace, willing myself to just disappear with her. I grasped dirt and grass between my tiny, childish fingers, but all too soon my hurting form was wrenched from the ground and into a warm embrace. As I wept into the strangers neck he rubbed my back and whispered soothing words into my ear, and all to soon my eyes closed and this was but a memory that haunts me still. 

-------------------------------------------------7 years later---------------------------------------------------

I was laying on my bed staring at the blank ceiling above me. One of my long ghostlike fingers running along the thin scar adorning my cheekbone. My dyed black hair splayed out behind me, my ice blue eyes closed, and my long eyelashes casting shadows across my pale cheeks.

A knock on the front door interrupted my tranquility, I lay still waiting for my godmother to answer the door. To my annoyance the knocking continued. Begrudgingly i stood, adjusted my clothes, and made my way down the stairs to the door. “What!?” I screamed, as I flung open the door on the intruder. 

His appearance was the first thing I saw, he was tall with, messy blonde hair, and eyes green as emeralds. The man flinched slightly at my outburst, he shifted his weight to his other foot before saying anything, “Erm, well my name’s Michael, I’m one of Renee’s friends. I was hoping I could catch her and welcome her, is she home?” he asked his voice gaining confidence.

Sticking my head out the door a little I surveyed the empty driveway. “Nope, appears she’s not. So, if that’s all you came for I’m gonna close the door now.” I said, shutting the door quickly before he could say anything, and headed back to my room. 

As my door clicked signaling it was shut, I sighed and fell backwards onto the welcoming embrace of my bed. 

A/N" What do you think? Vote, comment, and fan! XD

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