Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- The Wolf, The Rabbit, And The Hybrid

Jack looked at Legoshi as the two of them walked down the hall

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Jack looked at Legoshi as the two of them walked down the hall. After their little talk in the empty pool, Legoshi seemed a little, more down than usual.
"To be honest, you looked drained these days, so I was worried. Were you inspired by something?" He asked the wolf.
"oh... uh... I don't really know," Legoshi pondered. Jack hummed and put his finger and his chin.

"Could it be... You fell in love?" Jack guessed. That made Legoshi stop in his tracks and he felt his face heat up. Jack didn't noticed and skipped down the hall.
"Oh my tail is swinging maybe I'm in love. Le le, Legoshi. Le le le-" He stopped and turned around realizing he was right.
"Are you serious?! For 17 years, you weren't in love! You really have changed!" Jack exclaimed with a big teasing smile.

"Lets just hurry up to class," Legoshi ignored his friend and quickly walked through the halls as Jack kept on asking questions.

'Jack I think we both know it's someone we both like,'


Elephant head:
Any leads so far (Y/N)?

I have a few, I'll send you the information about them.

Elephant head:
Great. You're doing great so far, I understand what happened. And remember this is your final case.

"Oh trust me, I can't wait for this to be over," You mumbled to yourself as you texted Kora about your investigation. You leaned against your bed framed and looked out the window to see Legoshi and his buds in their underwear and grooming. You quickly looked away and sighed.

'(F/N), I really wish you were here,'


"Just like last year, we were invited to participate in the Festival of the Meteor again," Sanu exclaimed as everyone cheered. You simply hummed as you sat with the rest of the art department near a wall. Others talked about going out to the city without a permit.
"Now remember everyone, this isn't just for fun, we're doing this for the Festival," Sanu settled everyone down.

"Looks like the art department is going to be busy this year, let's talk about it in the warehouse," Dom sighed as the rest of you groan.
'We better get to go out in the city, maybe I can witness others behaviors to close in on my suspects,' You thought as you looked around at the sculptures.
"We can't use the same work we did last year," You heard Dom say.

"Why dinosaurs anyways? Can't we pick something easier?" Kai whined.
"It wouldn't be called the Festival of the Meteor if we do other animals Kai. Dinosaurs are the ancestors of all animals, and are treated as god," You explained as he tsked.
"It all started when a meteor wiped out all of them years ago," He explained.

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