Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- Home Sweet Home

Inserting the key to your door, you swung it open, the moonlight pouring inside of your apartment

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Inserting the key to your door, you swung it open, the moonlight pouring inside of your apartment.
"It's not much, but you came yourself at home. I don't mind," You shrugged as you limped to your kitchen. Your apartment wasn't small per se, but it only fit two people, one bedroom and a bathroom. With the closet, kitchen, and living room, where Legoshi and Haru saw small wood shavings on the table.

You walk in your living room, kneeling down to set down (F/N) on the table, petting it slightly.
"I know you don't drink, underage and such, but tonight I need a shot," You mumbled, opening the fridge to grab two bottles of whiskey out, popping one open, shrugging and just drank it straight from the bottle.

The wolf and rabbit sat down on the couch, watching you walk over and sit on the floor, facing them.
'Oh my, she just finished that in barely a minute,' Haru thought as she watched in amazement that you finished the whole thing, without wincing for being the slightest drunk.

'The girl we both love, we're in her apartment, it's a little weird, because I just wanna ask her something,' Legoshi sighed.
"You're not a student aren't you?" He asked you. You stared up at them, with a somewhat tired look on your face.
"No, I'm not. You already know that. I'm a detective, ex detective though, and I was on my final case. To find out who killed Tem," You confessed, opening the other one and started to drink.

"That's why I was kinda weird in the beginning. I haven't been in a case for two years after I quit, so I was on edge. Oh, and distant to animals because of that. I unintentionally joined the Drama club because Louis found me interesting, and everything else just happened" You said, slightly hiccuping.

"I've always wanted to be a cop, because I wanted to prove the people that tested me awful when I was younger wrong. That even though I'm half fox, I could be like them, an equal. That's where I met (F/N), and we fell in love," You fondly said, looking down at the skull.
"We had dates, training time together, cuddling, the whole works. When we graduated, we became detectives together, and we did our cases with each other. One day, one of our cases was dining a lead to the Shishigumi. That backfired, obviously, and I quit after I did my time in the hospital."

"I was at a low place in my life, and I went to the Black Market, not to eat meat, but to vent to Gouhin, a friend of (F/N), and one thing let to another, and we had a one night stand. And we kinda distance ourselves after that, I just wasn't in the right place. I know that I lied about a lot of things, but it was for the sake of of my and your safety," You looked up at them with tears.

"I didn't wanted anyone else get hurt because of my actions," You wiped your tears away.
'She's 25? That's still a young age, and yet she's been through so much. And she risked her life to save me, from the people who killed her fiancé.' Haru thought as you stood up to throw away the bottles.
'Her house is messy, but yet organized. It really shows how she trusty felt, trying to clean her life up, but not matter what, she'll have a messy past,' Legoshi pondered as you walk back.

"Well then, let's get to my room, I know there's only one bedroom, but the bed it big enough to fit all three of us," You smiled at them, making Legoshi flinch and Haru feeling flustered. You lead them down the hall and into your room. It was standard, but your bed was big since you one time accidentally ordered one for an elephant.

"You can go through the channels, I'll turn the ac," You mumbled. Haru struggled to get on the bed, but eventually sat up as Legoshi simply sat down, making she jumped because of it. You sat down between them as you grabbed the remote, lifting it up to turn on the tv.

"So, you guys like watching cartoon shows? Well, it's not really a cartoon, but it's about this bunny in this world where they have superpowers, but he doesn't, which made him get bullied because of it. Until one day his hero showed up and told him he can get his power as long as he trains," You continued to talk as Legoshi and Haru exchanged looks.

You felt Legoshi shift next to you as you felt Haru wrap her small arms around you. You looked up to see the wolf's face getting closer to you as Haru nuzzled your neck.
"Ack!" You suddenly hissed as the stinging sensation at your side.
"I should wash off, that goes the same for you, Legoshi," You stammered as you got up from your bed.

'What was that? I... never did that to others before,' Haru thought as Legoshi stared nervously.
'We... we both tried to get to her! Why?!' You tugged at his shirt, trying to get him to take it off.
"I'll wash this, so we'll look decent for the train ride," You told him as he hesitantly pulled his bloody stained shirt. You stopped and stared at his back, filled with scars.

"I forgot you got those from Bill, that was a rough night," You kinda joked.
"... This was because of you," Legoshi mumbled.

'Okay, rude,'

"Not like that, but it started when I met the both of you," He confessed.
"It was a cold night, and all we could hear was the sound of the fountain." He leaned in close to you and pulled you onto your bed, and pinned on with his hand on your neck, him hovering above you. You then remembered the night where you saved Haru, where Haru watched in horror, you struggling to survive, and Legoshi on wolf instincts.

"Ever since that night, everything about me changed. I've been... concealing something from the both of you. The first time Haru and I met, wasn't at the garden, and that predator was no stranger to you (Y/N)," He explained.
"The monster, who attacked you behind the lecture hall... that was me. I was... about to devour the both of you girls. I was.." He closed his eyes with guilt as you simply stared up at him.

"I already knew that,"

"Huh?" Legoshi opened his eyes in shock as you gave him a raised eyebrow.
"I've been a detective ever since I was 19, you have to be more sneaky to hide something from me," You gave him a small amused smile.
"We weren't suspicious, there were hints too," Haru said as she scooted closer.
"That's why I felt weird around you, I wasn't sure if you planned to devour us, or had other intentions," She smiled.

"Then why were you nice to me?" Legoshi asked as he gently let go of your neck.
"Because, when we hang out, the outcome is always extraordinary," You said truthfully.
"We've been in this position this whole time. Listen," Haru was finally next to you as you felt her pet your head softly.
"Are you going to make love to us, or eat us? Which it it?" She asked Legoshi.

You then felt and heard the heartbeat of Legoshi, and felt the heat coming from Haru.
"You two decide, I don't mind," You mumbled out as you closed your eyes.
"Sorry, my hands are shaking," Legoshi apologized, as he trailed his hand down your body softly, and Haru petting your ears, making you shiver.

"It's okay, be slow you two,"

Also I got art!!

Stay healthy and stay tune!

Stay healthy and stay tune!

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